
来源 :涉外税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a3799222999
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北京市税务局对外分局自我国实行改革开放以来,严格执行税收政策,积极扶持“三资”企业发展,努力组织收入,确保北京涉外税收连续十年大幅度增长。1990年北京市涉外税收收入占全市财政收入的1/10,比1989年增长36.5%。改革开放十年来,共为国家组织收入29亿多元。对外税务分局认真落实各项涉外税收优惠政策,为外资企业提供优质服务,促进对外开放,“七五”期间共减免税款12亿元。1990年减免近4亿元。为外资企业服务,企业该享受的优惠及时落实、兑现,使企业尽快得到实惠。1990年北京市税务局对外分局为16户外商投资企业减免工商统一税,为90户合资 Since its implementation of the reform and opening up in China, the foreign branch of the Beijing Municipal Taxation Bureau has strictly implemented the taxation policy and actively supported the development of “three-funded” enterprises. Efforts were made to organize the revenue so as to ensure that Beijing’s foreign-related tax revenue increased substantially for the tenth consecutive year. In 1990, Beijing’s foreign tax revenue accounted for 1/10 of the city’s fiscal revenue, an increase of 36.5% over 1989. Ten years of reform and opening up, a total of more than 2.9 billion yuan for national organizations. The Foreign Taxation Bureau earnestly implemented the preferential tax policies for foreign-related taxation, provided quality services to foreign-funded enterprises and promoted the opening up to the outside world. During the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period, a total amount of tax relief of 1.2 billion yuan was granted. Nearly 400 million yuan was reduced in 1990. For foreign-funded enterprises, enterprises enjoy the benefits of timely implementation, cash, so that enterprises get benefits as soon as possible. In 1990, the foreign branch of the Beijing Municipal Taxation Bureau reduced the exemption of consolidated industrial and commercial taxes for 16 foreign-invested enterprises for a total of 90 joint ventures
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