
来源 :麦类作物学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smileman
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麦类作物在我国农业生产中占有十分重要的地位,其产量的高低及品质的优劣直接关系到粮食的增产和人民生活水平的提高。采取各种有力措施,特别是依靠科学技术,不断提高麦类作物的产量和品质,是一项意义重大的长期任务。陕西省农科院主办的《国外农学—麦类作物》本着“洋为中用”的宗旨,刊载了大量的国外麦类作物遗传育种、耕作栽培、生理生化等各学科的新成果、新技术和新理论,为推动我国麦作科研和生产的发展起到了应有的作用。《国外农学—麦类作物》创刊10年来,勇于探索,不断改进,办出了自己的特色,深受广大读者的欢迎,已成为国内从事麦类作物的专家、科技人员、农业院校师生喜读的一本麦作专刊。在科技日益进步的今天,愿贵刊紧跟时代步伐,掌握科技动态,结合我国实际,进一步增强刊物的学术性和实践性,丰富刊物内涵,为提高我国麦类作物的科研和生产水平做出新的贡献。 Wheat crops occupy a very important position in the agricultural production in our country. The output level and quality of wheat crops are directly related to the increase of grain output and the improvement of people’s living standards. Taking all kinds of effective measures, especially relying on science and technology, and constantly improving the yield and quality of wheat crops is a long-term task of great significance. Shaanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences sponsored by the “foreign agronomy - wheat crops” in the “foreign for the use of” the purpose of publishing a large number of foreign wheat crops genetics and breeding, cultivation and cultivation, physiological and biochemical and other disciplines of the new achievements, new Technology and new theory, to promote the development of China’s wheat crop research and production played its due role. Over the past 10 years since its publication, “Agronomy-Wheat Crops Abroad” has been daring to explore and improve continuously and has developed its own characteristics. It has been well received by readers and has become an expert engaged in wheat crops in China. Scientific and technical personnel, teachers and students of agricultural colleges and universities Hi reading a wheat special. Today, with the advancement of science and technology, we sincerely hope your magazine will follow the trend of the times and master the developments in science and technology. Combining the reality of our country, we will further enhance the academic and practical nature of the publications and enrich the content of the publications so as to improve the scientific research and production level of our wheat crops. New contribution
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