
来源 :中国健康教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tienan
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目的了解我国农村医生(简称“村医”)结核病防治核心信息、政策知晓率以及结核病相关医疗行为和健康教育与健康促进工作现状,为制定结核病健康教育和健康促进工作计划提供依据。方法多阶段整群抽样,全国共抽取45个县270个村的村医326名。使用统一设计的调查问卷对村医进行面对面询问式调查。结果74.8%的村医知道咳嗽、咳痰3星期以上有可能是肺结核,83.1%的村医知道新发现的肺结核病人必须进行6个月以上的规范治疗。93.9%的村医知道在结核病防治所做痰检免费,53.1%的村医知道在结核病防治所获取治疗肺结核的药物部分免费。62.6%的村医发现过可疑的肺结核病人。发现过可疑肺结核病人的村医中,75.0%村医对病人进行了登记,77.0%的村医将其转诊至结核病防治所,20.5%村医将病人转诊至其他医院,2.5%村医没有将病人转诊。57.7%的村医经常主动向村民讲解防治肺结核病的知识。66.9%的村医经常宣传国家防治肺结核病的免费政策。大多数村医拿到过宣传画和折页等宣传材料。结论村医的肺结核病防治核心信息和政策知晓率总体较好。大多数村医能够将发现的病人进行登记并转诊,村医主动向病人宣传结核病知识与政策的比例还较低。 Objective To understand the core information of tuberculosis prevention and control, the awareness rate of tuberculosis related medical behaviors and the status quo of health education and health promotion in tuberculosis in rural areas in our country and provide the basis for formulating the health education and health promotion work plan of tuberculosis. METHODS: A multistage cluster sampling was conducted. A total of 326 village doctors from 270 villages in 45 counties were collected nationwide. Use a uniform design questionnaire to conduct a face-to-face questionnaire survey of village doctors. Results 74.8% of village doctors knew that cough and sputum were likely to be tuberculosis more than 3 weeks and 83.1% of village doctors knew that tuberculosis patients newly discovered must be treated for more than 6 months. 93.9% of village doctors knew that sputum testing was done free of charge in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, and 53.1% of village doctors knew that the medicines obtained from tuberculosis prevention and treatment for treating tuberculosis were free. 62.6% of village doctors found suspicious tuberculosis patients. Among the village doctors who found suspicious TB patients, 75.0% of village doctors registered patients, 77.0% of village doctors referred them to TB prevention and treatment stations, 20.5% of village doctors referred patients to other hospitals and 2.5% of village doctors Did not refer the patient. 57.7% of village doctors often take the initiative to explain to villagers about the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis. 66.9% of village doctors often promote the national free policy on tuberculosis prevention and control. Most village doctors have got promotional materials such as posters and brochures. Conclusion The prevalence of tuberculosis prevention and control among village doctors is generally good. Most village doctors can register and refer to discovered patients, and village doctors take the initiative to inform patients about the proportion and proportion of TB knowledge and policies.
[Objective] To investigate the hypoglycemic activity of lotus root polysaccharides on diabetic mice and its effect on antioxidant activity in vivo.[Method] Diab