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古筝在中国有着悠久的发展历史,属于我国独有的民族乐器之一,而且古筝艺术是伴随着我国的历史文化的发展而逐渐的发展与丰富的,一直以来都是民间人们所喜爱的一种音乐形式。以改革开放为转折点,新时期的古筝音乐艺术随着改革开放的步伐迈进了一个新的发展轨道,并且在新时期古筝在创作和演奏等方面变现的十分突出。在搜集资料的过程中发现有关于古筝艺术的理论专著较少,而且针对某一时期的古筝艺术的研究和发展的相关理论专著更是少之又少。什么是古筝音乐的美学呢?所谓的古筝音乐美学其实就是指对古筝音乐的美学研究,包括对古筝音乐的审美特质和审美意义以及生成机制等方面的理论研究。下面文章将分为几个部分对新时期古筝的音乐美学研究及发展进行分析和探讨。 Guzheng has a long history of development in China and belongs to one of the unique national musical instruments of our country. Guzheng art has been gradually developed and enriched with the development of our country’s history and culture. It has always been a favorite of folk people Music form. Taking the reform and opening up as a turning point, the guzheng music art in the new era has entered a new development track with the pace of reform and opening up. In the new period, guzheng became prominent in terms of creation and performance. In the course of collecting information, there are few theoretical monographs about the art of guzheng, and few related theoretical monographs on the research and development of guzheng art at a certain period are rare. What is the aesthetics of guzheng music? The so-called guzheng music aesthetics actually refers to the aesthetics of guzheng music research, including the aesthetic qualities and aesthetic significance of guzheng music and the formation mechanism of theoretical research. The following article will be divided into several parts to analyze and discuss the music aesthetics research and development of the zither in the new era.
This study presents a rapid, specific and sensitive liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay for determination of risperidone (RIS) in hu
宫颈糜烂是已婚妇女的常见病和多发病 ,长期宫颈炎可诱发宫颈癌 ,积极防治宫颈糜烂对提高妇女健康水平有重要意义。我院采用奥平 (α-干扰素栓 )配合冷冻治疗宫颈糜烂 1 30例
目的 :对笑气吸入性分娩镇痛的疗效进行临床研究。方法 :选择要求分娩镇痛的足月单胎、头位初产妇 1 0 0例作为观察组 ,同期不要求分娩镇痛的足月单胎、头位初产妇1 0 0例作
我院自 2 0 0 1年采用氧化亚氮 (笑气 )吸入镇痛分娩 ,取得满意的效果。现报告如下。资料与方法1 一般资料 选择足月妊娠 ,无阴道自产禁忌证产妇 ,心肺功能正常 ,年龄 2 0~