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1934年 8月《中国农矿原料与德国工业品互换实施合同》签订后,南京国民政府迫切希望通过中德合作,加强国防工业建设。翌年,代表德方在前述合同上签字的汉斯·克兰向蒋介石呈送《建设实力中心点组织之建议》,建议由德国派遣国防军现役军官暨技术经济专家来华,协助中国建设国防工业。同年初,蒋介石委托德国军事总顾问塞克特拟具中国军备工业建设计划。2月 28日,塞、克向蒋介石呈送《中国军备工业之建设计划》提纲,并得到蒋介石的认可。鉴于计划中的中国军备工业必须通过中德合作(亦即必须得到德国的协助)方能完成,塞克特向蒋介石表示,该“提纲y必须等到塞氏返国后才能扩展为详细计划周为它必须经过德国国防部之审核、批准。1936年初,顾振率中国代表团赴德,经过激烈的讨价还价,。与德方就中国军备工业建设达成若干协议。代表团返国后,克兰、塞克特根据中德双方商洽结果,将前述“提纲”扩充为“详细计划”—一《中国军备工业之建设计划》。同年10月,该计划经来华访问的德国国防部使者莱谢劳中将呈送蒋介石。本件史料即为克兰、塞克特拟定并经过德国国防部审核之《中国军备工业之建设计划》,它为战前中德关系的重头戏——德国协助中国建设国防工业提供了最初的日程表,其史料价值自然是不言而喻的。 After the signing of the “Contract for the Implementation of China’s Agro-chemical Materials and Mutual Remanufacturing of Industrial Products in Germany” in August 1934, the Nanjing National Government eagerly hoped to strengthen the national defense industry through Sino-German cooperation. The following year, Hans Crane, who signed the aforementioned contract on behalf of Germany, presented Chiang Kai-shek with the “Proposal for the Establishment of a Power Center Organization”, and proposed that Germany send FDC duty officers and technical and economic experts to China to help China build its national defense industry. At the beginning of the same year, Chiang Kai-shek commissioned the German military general consultant Seket to plan the construction of China’s military industry. On February 28, Seychelles presented Chiang Kai-shek with an outline of the “Construction Plan of China’s Armed Forces Industry” and was approved by Chiang Kai-shek. Given that the planned Chinese arms industry must be completed through Sino-German cooperation (that is, Germany must obtain assistance), Seacteh told Chiang Kai-shek that the “Outline” must be extended to the Detailed Plan Week It must be reviewed and approved by the German Defense Ministry. In the early 1936, Gu Zhen led a Chinese delegation to Germany and after intense bargaining, reached several agreements with Germany on the construction of China’s military industry. After the delegation returned to China, According to the result of the negotiation between China and Germany, Seacteel expanded the aforementioned Outline to the “Detailed Plan” - “Plan for the Establishment of the Chinese Armament Industry.” In October of the same year, the scheme was visited by the German Minister of Defense Dassault Syrah Will be presented to Chiang Kai-shek.This historical data isCran, SektteDevelopment plan and approved by the German Defense Ministry, “China’s military industry construction plan”, which is the highlight of pre-war Sino-German relations - Germany to help China to provide the defense industry The initial schedule, the historical value is self-evident.
<正> 泌尿系结石包括肾、输尿管、膀胱、尿道结石。属于祖国医学石淋的范畴。笔者自1987年3月~1993年3月,应用中药通排汤(自拟方),同时配合西药治疗82例,经临床观察,取得了明