
来源 :真空与低温 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clear0102
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瑞士西华尔公司研制出既没有马达又没有压缩机的大型冷藏系统。它的作用基于氨的下列性质:气态氨在低压时被冷水大量吸收,而在温度上升时又从水中分离出来;在高温高压时会液化;但在高压和较低温度并伴有惰性气体时液态氨会气化,且同时吸收大量的热量。该系统中包含有冷水贮存器,其中氨的含量达35%。液体部分在热交换器盘旋管内流动,加 Swetal Switzerland has developed a large refrigeration system that has neither a motor nor a compressor. Its role is based on the following properties of ammonia: gaseous ammonia is largely absorbed by cold water at low pressures and separates from the water at elevated temperatures; liquefies at high temperatures and pressures; however, at high pressures and at lower temperatures with inert gases Liquid ammonia gasifies and absorbs a large amount of heat at the same time. The system contains a cold water reservoir with ammonia content of 35%. Liquid part of the coil in the heat exchanger coil flow, plus
Approximately 240 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B. The implementation of rigorous vaccination programs has led to an overall decrease i
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AIM: To estimate the progression of the hepatitis C virus(HCV) epidemic and measure the burden of HCVrelated morbidity and mortality. METHODS: Age- and gender-d
The Caadon Asfalto Formation is mainly com-posed of lacustrine deposits and has provided the most diverse vertebrate fauna known for the Middle Jurassic in th
0 引言本国际标准是ISO/R686的修订和补充。本国际标准规定的双画幅和单画幅规格具有相同的纵横比,以使这两种规格幻灯片可由同种原图或复制图制造。为从一系列幻灯片中简化
实验采用90只Wistar大鼠,以《荷花牌》合成洗衣粉(10 mg/m~3)作吸入染毒,每天6小时,共4个月。主要研究细胞及细胞膜功能状态,脂质代谢改变和机体适应性重建等。测定指标包括