Travel In Xi'an

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  My family and I come to the famous ancientcapital Xi'an. Let me show you the beautiful scenery!
  The first stop isHuaqing Pool.建于唐代的华清宫富丽堂皇,宫中的“华清池”由此得名。
  At the second stop,we visit terracotta warriors(兵马俑).看!这是目前为止发现的最完整的兵马俑。你看这陶俑身姿挺拔、眼神坚定,展现了古代战士们的威武、英勇。
  位于西安市南慈恩寺内的大雁塔(Dayan Pagoda)是一处闻名遐迩的世界文化遗产。It is a symbol of the ancient Xi'an.传说中,唐三藏从天竺国取经归来后,为了供奉佛像舍利,收藏經书,就亲自督建了大雁塔。
  The Xi'an City Wall is so tall.现在我们能看到的城墙建于明朝初年。The total length of the city wall is about 14 kilometers.
  The Datang Furong Garden is my favorite place.我们游览了紫云楼、侍女馆等景点。在大唐芙蓉园,我还和家人一起观看了“祈天鼓舞”“梦回大唐”等表演。
  在西安聆听历史,感受历史,畅游历史。I love this mysteriousancient city.
I like dogs very much.  So my mother bought me a white dog asmy birthday present.  He is a little fat and eats a lot.  He looks very cute.  I give him a name“Snowball”.  He likes running and playing w
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The farmer takes the wife.  The wife takes the child.  The child takes the nurse.  The nurse takes the dog.  The dog takes the cat.  The cat takes the rat.  The rat takes the cheese.  The cheese stand
If I had hands, then I would wash them.  If I had feet, then I would wash them.  If I had ears, then I would wash them.  And if I had hair, then I would wash it.  But I don’t have any of them.  As you
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My favourite pet is a cat.  Her name is Kate.  She is gray and white.  She is cute.  Her eyes are bright.  She likes fish best.  She likes sleeping on mat.  She is lazy but quiet.  I love my pet.  (指導
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By Ben McKnight  I love to snorkel with rny dad!  Exploring underwoter is exciting.  Look under rocks ond flnd flsh.  Colorful fish are all over the place!  It's an amazing thing I love to do.  I can'
bus station 汽车站  hospital 医院  park 公园  library 图书馆  zoo 動物园  train station 火车站  shopping center 购物中心  supermarket 超市  restaurant 餐厅  school 学校  Welcome to my city.Let me show you around.This is …