Peace and Security in Africa:Opportunities and Challenges for China-Africa Cooperation

来源 :国际展望 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yusaihua
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This paper seeks to explore some of the security and conflict dimensions of the China-Africa relationship, illustrating what the challenges are, why they are important and what has been done to meet them. Section one provides a brief overview of the different manifestations of conflict and insecurity on the African continent, highlighting that Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) proliferation is a problem that links them all. Section two explores the reasons why China has a stake in the peace and security of African countries. The third section outlines some of the commitments made by China to helping African countries address their security challenges, and assesses the degree to which these pledges have been implemented. The paper concludes that the issue of SALW proliferation still requires further action, both by China and its African partners on the continent and by all global actors through international cooperation. This paper seeks to explore some of the security and conflict dimensions of the China-Africa relationship, identifying what the challenges are, why they are important and what has been done to meet them. Section one provides a brief overview of the different manifestations of conflict and insecurity on the African continent, highlighting that Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) proliferation is a problem that links all all. Section two explores the reasons why China has a stake in the peace and security of African countries. The third section outlines some of the commitments made by China to helping African countries address their security challenges, and assesses the degree to which these pledges have been implemented. The paper concludes that the issue of SALW proliferation still requires further action, both by China and its African partners on the continent and by all global actors through international cooperation.
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