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牛蒡为菊科牛蒡属植物,果实入药,名牛蒡子、大力子,为常用中药,能散风热,利咽,透疹,消肿解毒。近几年来,牛蒡子货紧价扬,每公斤高达16~18元。浙江是牛蒡子的主产地之一。现介绍种植技术如下:一、播种用种子繁殖,多采用直播,亦可育苗移栽。播种前翻地深20~25厘米,耙细整平,开好排水沟。春秋两季均可播种。春播要第三年后才开花,收获期与秋播者相同,而占地时间长,一般都选秋播。秋播 Burdock as Compositae Arctium plants, medicine into the medicine, the name Arctiin, vigorously child, is commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, can wind and heat, Liyan, Touzhen, swelling and detoxification. In recent years, burdock fruit tight prices, up to 16 to 18 yuan per kilogram. Zhejiang is one of the main producing areas of Arctium lappa. Are introduced planting techniques are as follows: First, sow seed breeding, and more live, but also transplanted seedlings. Before sowing turned to deep 20 ~ 25 cm, rake fine leveling, open drain. Spring and autumn seasons can be sown. Spring sowing to flowering after the third year, harvest and autumn sowing the same, and take up a long time, are generally selected autumn sowing. Autumn broadcast
据国资委最新发布数据显示,今年6月份央企当月实现利润751.9亿元,环比增长29.5%。在央企基本面得到改善的实质性利 According to the latest SASAC data released in June t
超短波组网在武警部队无线通信中应用广泛 ,介绍了使用GR3 0 0转信台组建同频网的组网方式。 Ultrashort wave networking is widely used in the Armed Police wireless co