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  Banks are a safe place to keep your money. They use security guards, security cameras, and alarms to protect your cash. Banks offer financial services like checking accounts, savings accounts, loan departments, and investment plans. They are a good place to get rolls of coins,money orders, and savings bonds. Almost all banks have ATM machines outside their buildings.
  What is a bank?
  *A bank is a safe place to keep your money.
  *Banks provide financial services to customers.
  *Financial services include savings accounts, checking accounts, money orders, loans, and investment plans.
  What kind of job does this woman have?
  *She is a bank teller.
  *Bank tellers deposit (存) and withdraw (取) money from bank accounts, cash checks, and sell money orders.
  *Some banks offer free checking accounts.
  What is the man doing?
  *He is using the ATM to withdraw cash from his bank account.
  *ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine.
  *Customers can withdraw money or deposit money from their bank accounts by using an ATM.
  What is a loan officer?
  *A loan officer is a bank employee who helps customers borrow money.
  *Customers borrow money to buy a car, a house, or do a business.
  *Banks charge interest (收利息) on the money that borrowers borrow.
  How do banks transport cash?
  *They use armored (装甲的) trucks to pick up and deliver cash.
  *Security guards with guns work on the armored trucks.
  Where do banks keep large amounts of cash?
  *They keep large amounts of cash in vaults (金库).
  *Bank vaults have steel doors with special locks.
  What are these?
  *They are safe deposit boxes.
  *Customers can rent safe deposit boxes at a bank.
  *Safe deposit boxes are a good place to keep important papers and valuable items.
  Are banks open at night?
  *No. Most banks are closed at night.
  *Although banks are closed at night, ATMs outside of banks are open all night long.
  *Be careful if you use an ATM at night.
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本文以市民社会理论 ,从社会与国家关系的角度 ,指出对中国社会转型的研究是否具有现实意义 ,取决于市民社会在中国建构以及演进的可能性。文章从逻辑以及经验层面对建构中国