习近平出席中国共产党与世界政党领导人峰会并发10表主旨讲话锚定正确前进方向 为人民谋幸福为人类谋进步

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  中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平6日在北京以视频连线方式出席中国共产党与世界政党领导人峰会,并发表题为《加强政党合作 共谋人民幸福》的主旨讲话,强调政党作为推动人类进步的重要力量,要锚定正确的前进方向,担起为人民谋幸福、为人类谋进步的历史责任。中国共产党愿同各国政党一起努力,始终不渝做世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者。
  南非非国大主席、总统拉马福萨,哈萨克斯坦“祖国之光”党主席、首任总统纳扎尔巴耶夫,俄罗斯统一俄罗斯党主席、俄罗斯联邦安全会议副主席梅德韦杰夫,阿根廷正义党主席、总统费尔南德斯,越南共产党中央总书记阮富仲,古巴共产党中央第一书记、国家主席迪亚斯-卡内尔,菲律宾民主人民力量党主席、总统杜特尔特,柬埔寨人民党主席、首相洪森,津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线主席兼第一书记、总统姆南加古瓦,巴勒斯坦法塔赫主席、总统阿巴斯,塞尔维亚前进党主席、总统武契奇,巴基斯坦正义运动党主席、总理伊姆兰·汗,莫桑比克解放阵线党主席、总统纽西,纳米比亚人组党主席、总统根哥布,刚果劳动党主席、刚果(布)总统萨苏,斯里兰卡人民阵线党领袖、总理马欣达·拉贾帕克萨,玻利维亚争取社会主义运动主席、前总统莫拉莱斯,摩洛哥公正与发展党总书记、首相奥斯曼尼,南苏丹苏丹人民解放运动主席、总统基尔,社会党国际主席帕潘德里欧,西班牙共产党主席森特利亚等在峰会上致辞,热烈祝贺中国共产党成立100周年,高度评价中国共产党百年不平凡的历程,热情赞誉中共十八大以来,在以习近平总书记为核心的中共中央领导下,中国各领域取得的历史性发展成就和为人类进步事业作出的重要贡献,积极响应习近平总书记在主旨讲话中提出的政策主张,表示政党应担起为人民谋幸福的责任,愿同中国共产党一道,共同建设更加美好幸福的世界。   中共中央政治局常委王滬宁,中共中央政治局委员丁薛祥、杨洁篪、杨晓渡、陈希、黄坤明、蔡奇出席峰会。
  On July 6, 2021, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and President Xi Jinping attended the CPC and World Political Parties Summit, and delivered a keynote speech "Strengthening Cooperation Among Political Parties to Jointly Pursue the People's Wellbeing" via video link in Beijing. Xi emphasized, political parties, as an important force behind human progress, need to set the right course forward and shoulder their historic responsibility to ensure the people's wellbeing and pursue human progress. The CPC stands ready to work with world political parties to be builders of world peace, advocates for global development, and guardians of the international order.
  The Summit is themed with "working for the people's wellbeing and the responsibility of political parties". The main venue is set at the Great Hall of the People. In the Hall, the flag of the CPC is side-by-side with the flags of other political parties attending the Summit, displaying a splendid array of party flags. Five large display screens were also placed on the site, vividly displaying a scene that leaders of world political parties gather together to pool wisdom for a better future via video link.
  Xi Jinping first delivered a keynote speech. He said, over a century, the CPC has united and led the Chinese people in working ceaselessly towards the tremendous transformation of the Chinese nation from standing up and growing prosperous to becoming strong. The CPC has persisted in closely associating the future of the Chinese people with that of other peoples of the world and steered the course of China's development amid the general trend of the world and the currents of the times to promote common development and prosperity of all countries.
  Xi emphasized, today, human society has once again found itself at a historic crossroads. The choice is in our hands and the responsibility falls on our shoulders. In the face of common challenges, the only way out is to work together in harmony with one accord. Political parties, as an important force behind human progress, need to set the right course and shoulder historic responsibility.
  First, we need to shoulder the responsibility to steer the course by seizing and shaping the shared future for mankind. Great times call for grand architecture, and grand architecture calls for great vision. We need to heed the voices of the people, follow the trend of the times and strengthen coordination and cooperation. By doing so, the interests of the people of one country will be kept in line with those of all others and humanity will move forward towards a shared future.   Second, we need to shoulder the responsibility to build consensus by upholding and promoting the common values of humanity for peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom. With a strong sense of responsibility for the future of all mankind, we need to foster broad-minded tolerance toward the understanding of values by different civilizations, and respect the explorations of different peoples to turn values into reality. By doing so, the common values of humanity will be translated into the practice of individual countries to serve the interests of their own people in a concrete and realistic way.
  Third, we need to shoulder the responsibility to promote development by bringing greater benefits to all peoples in a fairer manner. On the road to the wellbeing of all mankind, no country or nation should be left behind. All countries and nations are equally entitled to development opportunities and rights to development. Any political manipulation for the purpose of sabotaging the development of other countries and undercutting the livelihood of other peoples will receive little support and prove to be futile.
  Fourth, we need to shoulder the responsibility to enhance cooperation by working together to address global risks and challenges. We need to continue with a science-based response approach, advocate solidarity and cooperation, oppose the practice of politicizing the pandemic and work together to build a global community of health for all; we need to pursue security and stability through cooperation so as to tighten the security fences together; we need to respect Mother Nature, follow the laws of Nature and protect her so as to build a green homeland together; we need to be brave enough to take responsibilities and work as one to find a way of harmonious co-existence between man and Nature.
  Fifth, we need to shoulder the responsibility to improve governance by enhancing our capacity to ensure the people's wellbeing. There are different pathways toward wellbeing. People of all countries are entitled to choose their own development paths and institutional models. This, in itself, is what wellbeing entails. The judgment on whether a country is democratic or not should be made by their people, not by the handful of others. We need to strengthen exchanges and mutual-learning, and advance political democracy in a way that suits the national conditions of a country.
  Xi Jinping pointed out, it is the unswerving goal of the CPC to run our own house well, ensure a happy life for the 1.4 billion plus Chinese people, and advance the lofty cause of promoting peace and development of all mankind. The CPC will continue to uphold the people-centered development philosophy, reflect upon the overarching issues of national rejuvenation and human progress in the greater context of time and space and work together with political parties of all countries to create an even better tomorrow.   - The CPC will unite and lead the Chinese people in pressing ahead with the Chinese-style modernization to make new contributions to humanity's search for ways to modernize. Proceeding from reality in all it does, the CPC has led the Chinese people in finding, through trial and error, the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We will unswervingly follow the path leading to a bright future to ensure that development is pursued for both our own good and the benefit of the world.
  - The CPC will unite and lead the Chinese people in taking comprehensive steps to deepen reform and opening up to make new contributions to shared development and prosperity of all countries of the world. The CPC is ready to enhance communication with world political parties in steering economic globalization towards greater openness, inclusiveness, balance and win-win results. We will further promote high quality Belt and Road cooperation and improve global connectivity, so that more countries and peoples will be able to share the fruits of development.
  - The CPC will shoulder its responsibilities as a major political party in a major country to make new contributions to improving the wellbeing of mankind. The eradication of poverty has been a common aspiration of people of all countries and an important objective that all political parties strive to achieve. The CPC is willing to contribute more Chinese solutions and Chinese strength to the poverty reduction process worldwide. China will spare no effort to support international cooperation against COVID-19 and contribute even more to tackling the global climate challenge.
  - The CPC will actively improve global governance to make new contributions to humanity's joint response to common challenges. International rules should be based on universally-recognized norms rather than rules of the few. We should stand opposed to the practice of unilateralism disguised as multilateralism. China will always be a member of the developing world, and is committed to enhancing their representation and voice in the global governance system.
  Xi Jinping emphasized, the CPC stands ready to continue to work with political parties and political organizations of all countries to stand on the right side of history and the progressive side of mankind. Let us make even greater contributions to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and that of a better world!
  President of the African National Congress and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Chairman of the Nur Otan Party and Kazakhstan's First President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Chairman of the United Russia Party and Deputy Chairman of Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, President of the Justicialist Party and Argentine President Alberto Fernandez, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, Chairman of the PDP-Laban Party and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, President of the Cambodian People's Party and Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen, President and First Secretary of Zimbabwe's ZANU-PF Party and Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Chairman of the Fatah Party and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, President of Serbian Progressive Party and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan, Chairman of Mozambique Liberation Front Party and President of Mozambique Filipe Nyusi, President of the SWAPO Party and President of Namibia Hage Geingob, Head of Congolese Party of Labour and President of Congo Brazzaville Denis Sassou-N'guesso, Leader of Sri Lanka People's Front and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapaksa, Chairperson of Bolivia's Movement Towards Socialism Party and former Bolivian President Juan Evo Morales Ayma, General Secretary of the Justice and Development Party and Moroccan Prime Minister Saad-Eddine El Othmani, Chairman of Sudan People Liberation Movement and President of Southern Sudan Salva Kiir, President of the Socialist International George Papandreou, and President of the Communist Party of Spain Jose Luis Centella delivered remarks at the Summit. They expressed congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, spoke highly of the extraordinary achievements of the CPC over the past century, and applauded China's historic progress in all fields and important contributions to the progress cause of mankind under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core since the 18th National Congress. They actively responded to General Secretary Xi Jinping's policy propositions proposed in the keynote speech. They expressed, political parties should shoulder the responsibility to deliver happiness for people, and they will work together with the CPC to build a better world.   Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Wang Huning, and members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, Yang Xiaodu, Chen Xi, Huang Kunming, and Cai Qi were present.
  Leaders of more than 500 political parties and organizations and 10,000-plus representatives from political parties and all sectors from over 160 countries attended the Summit. The political parties from over 100 countries set around 200 venues for their representatives to attend the Summit. Parallel sessions were also set in Shanghai, Yan'an of Shaanxi Province, Shenzhen of Guangdong Province, Ningde of Fujian Province, and Anji of Zhejiang Province in China, and some local Party members and officials also watched the Summit. The Joint Statement of Proposals of the CPC and World Political Parties Summit was published, expressing the shared aspiration of all political parties for maintaining world peace and development and improving people's lives.
  Source/Homepage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
摘要:以丽江古城、大理古城和香格里拉古城的民居客栈的发展为例,从古城环境、住宿、交通、餐饮、娱乐、购物几方面进行了游客满意度的对比分析,针对目前存在的突出问题,提出了改善交通条件、提升服务质量、提供特色餐饮、三地协同发展等建议。  关键词:滇西北三地;民居客栈;游客满意度  中图分类号:F590.65文献标识码:A文章编号:16738268(2012)04011607  一、民居客栈研究综述  随
“很驚讶中国西部有这么漂亮的一座城市,和美国纽约一样繁华,期待下次到访重庆,到更多地方参访。”2021年6月8日,来渝参加纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会的菲律宾外交部长特奥多罗·洛钦,对重庆的发展表示赞赏。  6月7日至8日,菲律宾外交部长特奥多罗·洛钦、老挝外交部长沙伦赛、柬埔寨洪森首相顾问布拉帕拉、缅甸外交部亚洲司副司长吴貌浩堂等嘉宾访渝之际,前往陆海新通道、长江上游重要的港口枢
2021年6月7日至8日,纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会及澜沧江—湄公河合作第六次外长会在渝召开之際,重庆大剧院十屏联动、重庆环球金融中心外墙上演灯光秀:“庆祝中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN—China Dialogue Relations”“同饮一江水 命运紧相连 Shared River Shared
2021年6月4日,重庆市政府外事办公室举行“服务保障中国—东盟外长特别会、澜湄合作外长会”承诺仪式。办党组书记、主任章勇武作动员讲话,并带领部分参与服务保障人员许下庄严承诺。  章勇武在动员讲话中指出,纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会和澜沧江—湄公河合作第六次外长会在重庆召开,是中央交办的重要任务。辦好此次会议,有利于促进中国与东盟国家合作交流,有利于促进中国与东盟国家之间的友谊。 
6月24日上午,中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅邀请外国驻华使节和国际组织驻华代表,在位于北京的中国共产党历史展览馆共同参观“‘不忘初心、牢记使命’中国共产党历史展览”。  王毅表示,了解中国,首先要了解中国共产党。研究中国历史,首先要研究中国共产党的历史。因为,没有中国共产党,就没有新中国;没有中国共产党,就没有中国特色社会主义事业取得的巨大成功。世界上没有一个政党,像中国共产党这样,始终把为人民谋幸
2021年6月7日至8日,紀念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会在重庆举行。会议期间,东盟外长们还前往重庆果园港陆海新通道进口商品展示区,参观经由东盟国家进口的100余种特色商品,品种涵盖快消速食、保健品、冻品、水果、特色农产品等各大类商品。其中,有不少都是首次通过陆海新通道登上重庆市民的餐桌。这些特色商品,向重庆市民展现了东南亚国家的丰富物产。  文莱进口商品主要有蓝虾、虾片、纺织品、巧克
收稿日期:2012-05-20  作者简介:武二虎(1987-),男,甘肃天水人,2010级硕士研究生,主要从事马克思主义哲学理论与方法研究。  摘 要:思想的历史就是历史的思想,哲学作为时代的思想,它关照着所处自己时代人的“生存境遇”。马克思对现实人类生存境遇的关注不像以往哲学家那种由哲学到哲学的独白式的复调,而是基于对现实社会问题即对市民社会的关注为解决问题的钥匙。鉴于此,以马克思对市民社会的
抗戰以前,国民党把中共描绘成堕落、愚昧、无知的土匪,实行共产共妻,只知道烧、杀、抢;抗战后,又四处散播共产党搞割据、游而不击等谣言。然而,中共中央南方局在冲破国民党的重重阻挠,广泛开展外事工作过程中,向国际社会展示了一个充满朝气的民主大党形象和中共领导人卓越的外交才能,让世界重新认识了中国共产党。  著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚曾比较信任国民党,而对共产党有较多思想顾虑,如对中共的民族工商政策、土地政策