Quantitative structure-retention relationship for photosystem Ⅱ inhibitors in RP-HPLC

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:win1917
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Using factor analysis (principle component) and multiple linear regression methods,4 solute-related structure parameters were selected from 10 structure parameters and the relationships between the retention properties (logk’) of 25 2-cyano-3-methylthio-3-substituted amino-acrylates and the 4 parameters were established.There is a good agreement between the observed k’ values and the predicted fe’ values. Using factor analysis (principle component) and multiple linear regression methods, 4 solute-related structure parameters were selected from 10 structure parameters and the relationships between the retention properties (logk ’) of 25 2-cyano-3-methylthio-3-substituted amino -acrylates and the 4 parameters were established. Here is a good agreement between the observed k ’values ​​and the predicted fe’ values.
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策划编辑在出版工作中应当重视积累,结合编辑工作撰写编辑学论文。策划编辑的论文写作可以划分为5个阶段,即积累阶段、准备阶段、写作阶段、优化阶段、发表阶段。 Planning
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