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对7个具有代表性种源的白皮松种子的休眠特性研究表明,白皮松种子种皮的透水性在种源间差异明显,表现出随地理纬度的增高而逐渐增大的趋势,分布越是偏北的种源透水性趋于加强.根据种皮的透水性,7个种源可被分为差异明显的2组,组间以秦岭为界.不同种源种子种皮的透气性以外种皮造成的差异为最大,内种皮次之.种子的透气性与透水性表现出的变化趋势相同.不同种源种子浸提液的抑制能力显著不同,而且这种差异随浸提液浓度的增加而增加.依据种皮浸提液的抑制能力7个种源可分为2组,而依据胚乳浸提液的抑制能力则可被分为3组.种子的发芽能力有随纬度的增加而降低的趋势,种子发芽率越低的种源则其平均发芽时间也越长.依据不同标准所划分的种群组均表现出组间差异大于组内差异的特点,组间种源产地之间的距离也大于组内.白皮松种子休眠特性在种源间的差异是气候及地理因子共同作用的结果. The study on the dormancy characteristics of Pinus bungeana seeds from seven representative provenances showed that the pericarp permeability of Pinus bungeana seed coat was significantly different among provenances and showed a trend of increasing gradually with the increase of geographical latitude. Of the provenances tended to strengthen.According to the permeability of the seed coat, seven provenances can be divided into two groups with obvious differences, with Qinling as the boundary between the two groups.The permeability of the seed coat of different provenances was caused by the outer seed coat , Followed by the seed coat.The seed permeability and permeability showed the same trend.The inhibitory abilities of seed extracts from different provenances were significantly different, and with the increase of the extract concentration Increased.According to the inhibitory ability of seed coat extracts seven sources can be divided into two groups, and according to the inhibitory capacity of endosperm extracts can be divided into three groups.Sprout germination ability decreases with increasing latitude Trend, the germination rate of the seed germination rate of the lower the average germination time is also longer.According to different standards of the population groups showed that the difference between groups is greater than the group within the characteristics of the distance between the provenance origin Also greater than the group. White pine seed dormancy characteristics Differences between provenances are the result of interaction of climate and geographical factors.
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【正】 任何事物的存在和发展都是有条件的,离开了这个条件,就会改变事物的运动形式和存在方式。国共两党由合作到破裂的事实充分印证了这一规律。诚然,导致国共合作破裂的因