
来源 :中国宝玉石 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuoluo1314
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纵观天下,奇石收藏不知不凡者几,然多于纤微中寻趣,以形似求神似。秦石则独辟蹊径,或古拙,或巧奇,千姿百态,幻化无穷,大至奔驼,小亦卧羊,粗犷浑厚,意境见长,颇具大家气象。秦石因产于秦岭名溪谷而得名“八步黄腊石”则因产于广西贺州市八步区而得名。八步黄蜡石质地坚硬,色泽明艳,圆润细腻,浑如完璞,大小均有产出。玛瑙就是以纤微小巧见长的宝石之一,由于其丰富的色彩其中的象形景物很多,不仅有动物、植物、人物、山水风景,还有各种各样的文字。玛瑙中的动物、植物、人物和山水风景,多为不同的色彩所形成的画面,还有好多奇石本身的造型就是某一动物、植物、人物或山水风景。一条善解人意的狗。一条寻机伏击的鳄,一尊顶天立地的柱,乃至是《射雕英雄传》中的桃花岛主黄药师的浮雕像,一派笑傲江湖,唯我独尊的王者之气。最近有关报刊登载了一份《观赏石鉴评试行标准(征求意见稿)》引起了不少观赏石爱好者的关注,也引出了业界专家的不同论谈。本期“精品屋”特辟赏石专栏,以供读者鉴赏。 Throughout the world, Isthmus unidentifiable collection of a few, but more than micro-micro in search of interest, in the form of seeking Godlike. Qin Shi is inventive, or ancient, or clever, different, varied, infinite infinity, as big as Ben camel, a small also Sheep, rough vigorous, artistic vision, quite everyone’s weather. Qin stone because of the name of the valley in the Qinling Mountains named “eight-step yellowstone” is produced in Guangxi Hezhou eight steps named. Eight steps yellow wax hard stone, bright color, mellow and delicate, muddy finish, the size of output. Onyx is one of the gems of delicacy and beauty. Due to its rich color, there are many pictographic objects, including not only animals, plants, people, landscapes, but also various kinds of characters. Agate in the animals, plants, people and landscape scenery, mostly in different colors formed by the picture, there are a lot of stones itself is the shape of an animal, plant, people or landscape scenery. An understanding dog. A look for an ambush crocodile, a pillar of indomitable spirit, and even the “Eagle Shooting Heroes” in the Peach Blossom Island master yellow pharmacist’s relief statue, a school of Swordsman, the only one I admire the king’s gas. Recently published in the newspaper published a “test of ornamental stone evaluation standards (draft)” attracted a lot of ornamental stone lovers attention, but also led to different discussions of industry experts. This issue of “Boutique House” special insight stone columns, for readers to appreciate.