
来源 :医学理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hj12141
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早产儿由于其解剖和生理上的特点,真发病率和病死率远较正常足月新生儿为高。因而提高新生儿成活率的关键在于降低早产儿的发生率及死亡率。为此,我们对本地区早产儿的发生情况及有关因素进行调查分析,为本地区早产的预防及早产儿疾病的治疗提供参考资料。 1对象与方法 1.1对象:所有调查对象均为在本院产科出生的,胎龄在26—37周之间的新生儿。鉴于:(1)本院为该地区唯一的一所综合大型医院:(2)本地区孕妇均在本院住院待产;(3)在本院住院待产的孕产妇均为本地区居民。因而本文统计资料具有代表性,能够反映本区早产儿发生的一般规律。 Because of its anatomical and physiological characteristics, true morbidity and mortality are much higher in preterm infants than in normal term infants. Therefore, the key to improve the survival rate of newborn babies is to reduce the incidence and mortality of premature babies. To this end, we investigate the incidence of preterm children in the region and related factors, provide a reference for the prevention of preterm birth and the treatment of premature infants in this area. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 Object: All the subjects were born in our obstetrics and gynecology, gestational age between 26-37 weeks of newborns. In view of: (1) The hospital is the only large general hospital in the area: (2) pregnant women in this area are hospitalized in this hospital; (3) all pregnant women in hospital who are hospitalized for delivery are residents of this area. Therefore, this statistical data is representative, to reflect the general law of occurrence of preterm children in this area.
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