Design for a Remote Monitoring Equipment of Krypton-85

来源 :Annual Report for China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuwei72323
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A prototype equipment for monitoring Krypton-85 in situ is designed and set up. A series of relevantsoftware is also developed for remote control, data acquirement and data analysis. Weight of the systemis about 300kg, which is composed of NaI(T1) detector, digi DART, Marillin measurement container andlead shield. The whole system is placed on a homemade go-cart. A prototype of equipment for monitoring Krypton-85 in situ is designed and set up. A series of relevantsoftware is also developed for remote control, data acquirement and data analysis. Weight of the systemis about 300kg, which is composed of NaI digi DART, Marillin measurement container and lid shield. The whole system is placed on a homemade go-cart.
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