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一、抓领导,靠实责任。乡党委确定由乡党委书记主管、党委副书记具体抓电教工作,配备了2名专职电教人员,建立了党员电教工作责任制,实行目标管理,纳入年度考核内容,各片片长和村党支部书记是村级电教播放点的直接责任人,形成了一级抓一级,层层抓落实的电教工作新局面。二、抓制度,强化管理。乡党委结合实际先后制定完善了《党员电化教育管理制度》、《党员电化教育播放收看制度》等9项制,在工作中严格制度管理,用制度办事,有效地规范了党员电化教育工作。三、抓网络,夯实基础。1995年以来,乡上先后在5个村建立了党员电化教育播放片,在24个村党支部活动阵地设立了播放点,并在乡财政十分紧张的情况下,多方筹资10万元,给乡村播放点购置了摄像机一台,电视机26台,VCD机26台,录音机11台,村村配 First, grasp the leadership, rely on real responsibility. Township Party Committee identified by the township party secretary in charge of Party committees and specifically targeted at teaching, equipped with two full-time ETA staff, established a member of the responsibility system of audio-visual education, the implementation of the objectives of management, the contents of the annual assessment, the length of the village party branch Clerk is the village directly responsible for audio-visual broadcast point, formed a grasping level by level to implement the new situation of audio-visual work. Second, grasp the system, strengthen management. Based on the actual situation, the township party committee formulated and perfected 9 systems such as the “Management System of Party Members’ E-education” and “Party Members’ E-education System”. They strictly controlled the work and used the system to regulate the work of Party members’ E-education effectively. Third, grasping the network, solid foundation. Since 1995, the township has set up a broadcasting program of electro-education of Party members in 5 villages and set up broadcasting spots in the active positions of 24 village Party branches. In addition, under the tense situation of township finance, the township government raised funds of 100,000 yuan Point of purchase acquisition of a camera, 26 sets of television sets, 26 VCD machines, tape recorders 11 sets, with the village
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南京里下河土菜馆,盱眙小龙虾号称已经上市,将近二十人的大桌,东道主好客地摆满了碗碟。烧麻鸭、河虾煮千张、昂刺鱼炖豆腐……吃得非常尽兴。然而,我还是忍不住弱弱地说出了“螺蛳”两个字。吃螺蛳最好的季节是清明节前的那几天,这是螺肉最肥美的时候。之前的偏瘦且没有膏黄,清明过后,螺蛳便到了甩籽(就是产卵)的季节,尾部充斥着密密麻麻的小硬壳。因此,赶在清明前去江南出差,螺蛳自然是不能缺少的。  主人絲毫没有怠
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副刊稿件要出精品,需通过不断加强报纸副刊队伍建设,持续坚定理想信念、坚持价值引领、践行群众路线,真正承担起时代赋予报纸副刊的使命责任与担当。 Supplementary article