Theoretical and Experimental Study on Plug Shape Parameter of Press Piercing Mill

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mgq
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Based on upper bound element method,the analysis model for press piercing process was constructed and its analytical expressions were obtained.For decreasing piercing resistance and increasing stiffness of plug post rod,the shape parameter of deformation cone for plug was optimized.The rule for selecting suitable value of the shape parameter was described.Based on the results of theoretical analysis,four kinds of plugs constructed from rotor parabola surface were manufactured,and the prototype tests were performed.The experimental data are quite similar to the results of theoretical analysis,so the results can be used as a reference for manufacturing press piercing mill. Based on upper bound element method, the analysis model for press piercing process was constructed and its analytical expressions were obtained. For reducing piercing resistance and increasing stiffness of plug post rod, the shape parameter of deformation cone for plug was optimized. Rule for selecting suitable value of the shape parameter was described. Based on the results of theoretical analysis, four kinds of plugs constructed from rotor parabola surface were manufactured, and the prototype tests were performed. the experimental data are quite similar to the results of theoretical analysis, so the results can be used as a reference for manufacturing press piercing mill.
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