一切都发生了 2006-2007季后赛的X-Factor

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该走的已经走了,带着遗憾和悲伤还有那忿忿不平的心情和疲惫的身影;留下的还在拼了命地厮杀,谁都不想把即将到手的奖杯拱手让人。看了就不后悔在首轮被淘汰的球队有输后的悲壮;在首轮晋级的球队有赢后的喜悦。干脆点说,他们都拼了命,使了劲儿。输赢不过一念之间,那只是一个结果,谁都没有资格因为你输就说你是废物,相反地,也没有人能担保你就会一直赢下去。之后还有很长的路要走,而每一步都要昂首挺胸地走,看过了比赛不管你热衷的球队是输或赢,我们都会心系安慰一一看了就不后悔。 The walk has gone, with regret and sadness, as well as indignant mood and tired figure; left still fighting slaughter, no one wants to hand over the trophy over the people. Do not regret watching the team was eliminated after the first round of tragedy; in the first round of the promotion of the team have the joy after winning. Simply put, they all fight hard, so hard. It’s just a result of winning or losing, but no one can say you are waste because of your loss. Conversely, no one can guarantee that you will always win. After that there is still a long way to go, and each step must be held high and go, saw the game no matter what your keen team is lost or win, we will feel comfort one by one do not regret it.
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