Advanced glycosylation end products, protein kinase C and renal alterations in diabetic rats

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mobiwow
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To study the relationship between advanced glycosylation end products (AGE) and protein kinase C (PKC), and their effects on renal alteration in diabetic rats Methods Insulin or aminoguanidine was administered to diabetic rats Blood glucose, hemoglobin A 1C (HbA 1C ), glomerular tissue extracts AGE (GTE AGE), PKC, glomerular basement membrane thickness (GBMT) and urine protein/creatinine (Pr/Cr) ratio in diabetic rats were measured and analysed Results Levels of blood glucose, HbA 1C and AGE, PKC activity, the Pr/Cr ratio and GBMT were all significantly increased ( P values all less than 0 01) in diabetic rats Insulin could decrease the formation of HbA 1C and AGE, and improve PKC activity Aminoguanidine had no influence on PKC activity ( P >0 05) although it decreased the formation of AGE Both drugs could delay the increase of urine Pr/Cr ratio and GBMT ( P <0 05 or P <0 01) Conclusions Chronic hyperglycemia may lead to an increase of PKC activity HbA 1C and AGE may not directly contribute to alterations of PKC activity, but the increase of PKC activity could promote the action of AGE on GBM thickening It is important to inhibit the formation of AGE and reduce the PKC activity so as to prevent or delay the development of diabetic nephropathy
你去过西陵吗?嘉庆、雍正、珍妃长眠的地方。它在河北省易县城西北 ,由北京乘车用不了3小时就到了。那是有特色的名胜风景区 ,其中多效风景林更是当地的一绝。多效风景林原是河
小儿重度有机磷中毒 ,按常规救治 ,清除毒物 ,应用阿托品及胆碱酯酶复能剂 ,在临床上仍存在着一定的问题 ,尤其是重度口服中毒者 ,抢救成活率低 ,死亡率仍在 6 0 %以上[1] 。
中国钱币博物馆举办的“中国近代纸币展 (民国部分 )”已于 10月 8日正式对公众开放,地点位于中国钱币博物馆天安门特别展厅。近代中国政局频繁更迭,经济状况十分复杂,外国的经
1 临床资料 患儿 ,女 ,4岁 ,因头部外伤后来院急诊 ,经头部CT扫描 ,体检 ,除枕部见长约 1 5cm头皮裂伤 ,少量流血外 ,其他均正常。诊断为头皮裂伤 ,遂在 2 %利多卡因 5mg局麻下行
会阴侧切缝合术 ,是在分娩第二产程中为避免会阴及盆底组织严重裂伤、减轻盆底组织对胎头的压迫、缩短第二产程、加速分娩的手术 ,也是初产妇臀位助产或施行产钳、胎头吸引术
钱币 ,也叫钱和币。钱 ,本为农器 ,状如铲 ,用来铲地除草。《国语·周》记载 :“景王二十一年 ,将铸大钱。”币 ,原为缯帛 ,形似纸 ,以束帛为祭祀或赠送宾客的礼物。《说文解