Research on the Application and Current Situation of Anti-tumor by Traditional Chinese Medicine Vola

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happyboylss
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The volatile oil is one of the most important active ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine( TCM). In recent years,research on the anti-tumor by TCM volatile oil is concerned greatly,such as screening of anti-tumor active site,excavation of anti-tumor substance basis and action mechanism,the development of anti-tumor preparation of TCM volatile oil,these are the foci of current research. According to the Compilation of Chinese Medicine Standard database,we selected 20 kinds of TCM volatile oil which has the anti-tumor effect,and applications of the 20 kinds of volatile oil in Chinese patent medicine,content and major component of volatile oil in Chinese herbal medicine,the effective extraction part and type of anti-tumor,granted patent and listed product were comprehensively analyzed. The research could provide a theoretical basis for in-depth study of the anti-tumor TCM volatile oil and systemic development of TCM volatile oil preparation. The volatile oil is one of the most important active ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In recent years, research on the anti-tumor by TCM volatile oil is concerned greatly, such as screening of anti-tumor active site, excavation of anti tumor composition basis and action mechanism, the development of anti-tumor preparation of TCM volatile oil, these are the foci of current research. According to the Compilation of Chinese Medicine Standard database, we selected 20 kinds of TCM volatile oil which has the anti -tumor effect, and applications of the 20 kinds of volatile oil in Chinese patent medicine, content and major component of volatile oil in chinese herbal medicine, the effective extraction part and type of anti-tumor, granted patent and listed product were comprehensively analyzed. The research could provide a theoretical basis for in-depth study of the anti-tumor TCM volatile oil and systemic development of TCM volatile oil preparation.
【目的】比较不同学科期刊的Cite Score(CS)与影响因子(IF),分析CS和IF在学术期刊评价中的异同。【方法】选择《期刊引证报告》(JCR)中集合引用半衰期不同的8个学科,全方位统
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专家论坛· 期数页数中国陆上剩余油气资源潜力及其分布和勘探对策赵文智 窦立荣………………………………………………… 1(1)对 2 1世纪大庆油田开发前沿技术发展的初步思
经全面改良后的奔驰E级车最近登场,它线条圆滑利落,风阻系数由原来的0.31降到0.29。有三种不同装备的版本。 全新设计的双原骨前悬挂及齿轮和齿条式的转向为准确操控提供了
日本丰田汽车公司于1994年10月, 利用新的聚合物——比聚丙烯 更便宜更强劲制造出第一辆RAV4 车,从而标志着该公司一个新材料时 代的开端。 1995年9月,在美国销售的这种大