
来源 :楚雄师专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hwguomin
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文章以楚雄州委、州政府关于建设民族文化强州的发展战略为背景 ,结合彝州传统民族文化资源的实际 ,对传统民族文化在实现适应现代经济发展的转型中进行展示与提升的意义、展示与提升的关系、原则、内容以及措施等问题作了论证。文章指出 ,经济与文化一体化发展 ,是当今全球经济社会发展的历史走向。文化不但对经济起着重要的支撑推动作用 ,且自身已成为重要的产业之一 ,文化是经济发展的深刻的内在驱动力。彝州各种丰富的传统民族文化要真正显示其强大的经济功能 ,必须经过展示与提升 ,才能实现适应现代经济全球化的转型 Based on the development strategy of Chuxiong State Committee and state government on the construction of a strong state of national culture, combining with the actual conditions of Yi nationality traditional culture resources, the article expounds the significance of displaying and promoting the traditional national culture in the transition to adapt to modern economic development, Demonstration and promotion of relations, principles, content and measures and other issues were demonstrated. The article points out that the economic and cultural integration is the historical trend of global economic and social development today. Culture not only plays an important role in promoting and supporting the economy, but has become one of the most important industries in itself. Culture is a profound intrinsic driver of economic development. All kinds of rich traditional ethnic cultures in Yi Prefecture should truly demonstrate their powerful economic functions and must be demonstrated and upgraded in order to achieve a transition to adapt to the modern economic globalization
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