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王新仓,男,1962年生,陕西凤翔人,国家一级演员,陕西省戏曲研究院秦腔团副团长、陕西省秦腔艺术协会副主席、陕西书画艺术研究院名誉院长。 12岁从艺,工文武小生。扮相俊美,文武兼备,嗓音宏亮圆润,唱腔如行云流水,曾在《周仁回府》(饰周仁)、《秦王李世民》(饰李世民)、《长城歌》(饰扶苏)、《蔡伦》(饰刘肇)、《白玉楼》(饰张彦)、《游电山》(饰田玉川)、《千古一帝》(饰安寿)、《回荆州》(饰赵云)、《恩仇记》(饰施子章)、《谢瑶环》(饰袁行健)、《王魁负义》(饰王魁)、《接台会》(饰梁山伯)、《断桥》(饰许仙)、《娄昭君》(饰魏明帝)、《谢冠》(饰吕布)、《逼侄赴科》(饰潘必正)、《拷寇》(饰陈琳)等传统剧中成功塑造了众多观众喜爱的舞台艺术形象。 1996年荣获全国梆子剧种调演优秀演员奖;2000年荣获着届中国秦腔艺术节优秀表演奖,电视艺术片《断桥》荣获中央电观台全国戏曲MTV金奖,并于2004年在西安和兰州成功举办了个人专场演出,多次赴日本,台湾等国家和地区参加文化交流演出,受到好评。被观众誉为“三秦俊小生”。 Wang Xincang, male, born in 1962, Shaanxi Fengxiang people, actor at the national level, Shaanxi Opera Academy Qin cavalry deputy head of the Shaanxi province Shaanxi Chamber of art vice chairman, Shaanxi calligraphy and painting art honorary president. 12-year-old art, Wu Wen students. Beautifully dressed, both civil and military voice loud and clear, melodious singing, singing in the clouds, in the “Zhouren Hui” (decorated Zhouren), “Qin Wang Li Shimin” (decorated with Li Shimin), “Great Wall Song” (decorated Fu Su), “ (Decorated with Liu Zhao), Bai Yu Lou (decorated with Zhang Yan), Tour Dianshan (decorated with Tian Yuchuan), Eternal Emperor (decorated with life), ”back to Jingzhou“ (decorated with Zhao Yun), ” (Decorated with Shi Zizhang), Xie Yaohuan (decorated with Yuan Xingjian), Wang Kui Yi Yi (decorated with Wang Kui), the reception of the Taiwan Society (decorated with Liang Shanbo), Broken Bridge (decorated with Xu Xian), Lou Zhaojun “(With Wei Mingdi),” Xie Guan “(decorated with Riboud),” force the nephew to Branch “(decorated with Pan Bi Zheng),” copy Kou “(decorated with Chen Lin) and other traditional drama successfully created a large audience favorite stage art image . In 1996, he was awarded the National Actor Tune and Drama Cast Award; In 2000, he won the China Qin Craft Festival Outstanding Performance Award and the television art film ”Broken Bridge“ won the MTV Gold Medal of National TV Drama from National Central Television Station. In 2004, he won the awards in Xi'an and Lanzhou Organized a special concert performances, many went to Japan, Taiwan and other countries and regions to participate in cultural exchange performances, has been well received. The audience hailed as ”three Qin Jun niche."
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目的 食管下端,膈肌及贲门是先天畸形的好发部位之一,由于其解剖部位深在,常规开腹或开胸手术暴露困难,切口大.本研究探讨腹腔镜手术治疗这些畸形的可行性.方法本组采用腹腔镜治疗患儿9例,年龄42d至9岁,平均3.5岁,最低体重2.9kg.其中膈疝行疝囊切除膈肌修补缝合3例;膈膨升行膈肌折叠缝合2例(其中1例为双侧);贲门失弛缓行食管下端肌层切开贲门胃底折叠缝合手术2例;胃食管反流贲门胃底折叠缝合术2例
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