
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coding_key
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Background. Abdominal scar recurrence of endometrial carcinoma after hysterectomy has been only occasionally described and occurred mostly within 5 years after surgery. Direct tumor cell seeding in the abdominal wound at the time of operation is thought to be most likely the cause of recurrence. Case. The patient underwent total abdominal hysterectomy for early stage endometrial carcinoma. She presented 14 years later with an abdominal scar recurrence that was radically resected. Histology of the tumor was similar to that of the primary carcinoma. Conclusion. Recurrences of endometrial carcinoma in an abdominal scar can occur even many years after hysterectomy and the concept of dormant cancer tumor cells is discussed as cause of recurrence rather than direct tumor cell implantation at the time of operation. Background. Abdominal scar recurrence of endometrial carcinoma after hysterectomy has been only onlyally described and occurred mostly within 5 years after surgery. Direct tumor cell seeding in the abdominal wound at the time of operation is thought to be most likely the cause of recurrence. Case. The patient underwent total abdominal hysterectomy for early stage endometrial carcinoma. She presented 14 years later with an abdominal scar recurrence that was radically resected. Histology of the tumor was similar to that of the primary carcinoma. Conclusion. Recurrences of endometrial carcinoma in an abdominal scar can occur even many years after hysterectomy and the concept of dormant cancer tumor cells is discussed as cause of recurrence rather than direct tumor cell implantation at the time of operation.
艺术家安妮·伊姆霍夫(Anne Imhof)在威尼斯双年展德国馆的展览《浮士德》获金狮奖最佳国家馆奖项。委员会称“这件充满力量又令人不安的装置提出了我们这个时代最紧迫的问题
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我和田风相识于日本东京,这就得从东京那段日子谈起…… 我在东京的日子,过得十分沉重;但又有不少机遇。说到机遇,它可遇而不可强求。它不期而遇,最初似乎是可有可无,但凡是