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比赛刚开始两分钟,华盛顿哥伦比亚特区巴洛中学的“骑士”男子篮球队连进两球。他们作风凌厉,球艺高起,势不可挡。对方的教练坐不住了,冲着场上队员高声叫喊,但仍未能挽回局势,只得摇头叹息……这是华盛顿特区巴洛中学男子篮球队与波士顿技校“猛虎”男子篮球队在今年赛季初期交锋中的一面。引人注目的是他们的教练——旺达·奥茨和格特鲁德·费雷。她们是美国中学男篮屈指可数的女教练中的两位。她们执教的球队分别跻身于美国中学男篮强队之列,不得不令人刮目相看。在当今美国,妇女已经进入了许多为男子所垄断的职业。然而据估计,任中学男篮女教练的在大 Two minutes into the game, the Cavaliers men’s basketball team at Barlow High School in Washington, DC scored two goals. Their style is fierce, the ball is high, overwhelming. The opposite coach sat down, directed at the team members shouting aloud, but still unable to restore the situation, had to shake their heads ...... This is the Washington, DC Barlow High School men’s basketball team and the Boston technical school “Tigers” men’s basketball team in this year Confrontation in the early part of the season. Notable are their coaches - Wanda Oates and Gertrude Ferre. They are two of the top female coaches in the secondary school in the United States. They coached the team were among the ranks of the United States high school basketball team, had impressive. In today’s United States, women have entered many occupations dominated by men. However, it is estimated that any middle school basketball coach in the big
目的 分析结直肠癌息肉行内镜粘膜切除术(EMR)术后迟发性出血的相关因素.方法 选取2019年8月-2020年3月期间于我院165例行EMR治疗的结直肠癌息肉患者作为本研究对象.采用问卷
台湾电视连续剧《一剪梅》引起了广大电视观众的兴趣,不少读者问,《一剪梅》是什么意思?《一剪梅》最早作为一首新词的词牌,出现在宋代词人周邦彦《清真词卷》 Many Taiwan
目的 探究三种不同离心速度在洗涤红细胞制备中对成品质量的影响.方法 选取惠州市中心血站2018年2月至11月期间无偿献血过程收集的悬浮红细胞123袋进行不同速度离心制备洗涤
目的 探究炎症性肠病患者的临床特征与生存状况,提高患者生存质量.方法 选取2017年3月到2018年3月在我院接受治疗的炎症性肠病患者132例,对患者的男女性别比例、年龄构成特点
目的 探讨神经节苷脂联合高压氧治疗重型颅脑损伤的临床疗效.方法 选取咸宁市第一人民医院2019年5月-2020年1月收治的重型颅脑损伤患者80例,根据治疗方法不同分为单一组与联