
来源 :建筑结构学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuxuan_huang
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本文以河南安阳市东风路粮油综合楼无粘结基础隔震工程为背景,说明了叠层橡胶基础隔震结构的设计原则及方法。研究表明,无粘结叠层橡胶隔震器不仅在可靠性方面具有充分保证,尤其在价格方面远低于国内外已有的粘结型叠层橡胶隔震器。这就为在普通房屋结构工程中采用基础隔震技术消除了经济障碍。根据文中所介绍的基础隔震背景工程与同时修建的、以现行抗震规范为依据设计的对比工程竣工后的决算数据可看出,在主体工程造价方面,基础隔震工程(含隔震层费用)比对比工程约节省10%。 This paper takes the non-bonded base isolation project of Dongfeng Road grain and oil complex building in Anyang City, Henan Province as the background to illustrate the design principles and methods of laminated rubber base-isolated structures. Studies have shown that unbonded laminated rubber shock absorbers not only provide sufficient guarantees in terms of reliability, but they are far lower in price than the existing bonded laminated rubber shock absorbers at home and abroad. This eliminates economic obstacles for the use of base-isolation technology in ordinary building structural engineering. According to the basic earthquake-isolation background project introduced in the article and the final settlement data after the completion of the comparative project designed based on the current seismic code, it can be seen that in the main project construction cost, the base-isolation project (including the cost of isolation layer) ) Saving about 10% compared to the comparison project.
我们自1992年应用尿激酶静脉溶栓治急性心肌梗塞(AMI),现将完整病历30例报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 病例选择 胸痛持续>30min,经含服硝酸甘油症状不能缓解,至少2个相邻导联S
国家标准《混凝土外加剂》GB 8076—2008及上海市工程建设规范《预拌混凝土生产技术规程》DG/TJ 08—227—2009实施后,原先在中低标号混凝土中普遍使用的木质素磺酸盐减水剂
摘要:高中物理教学的一个重要环节,就是帮助学生准确、快速地解题。在常规教学中,学生因为思路和方法的问题,往往影响到解题的质量,所以在教学中,教师应注意培养学生的解题思路和方法,并有目的地训练学生解题的準确性,以便提高学生的解题效率以及他们的应试能力。  关键词:高中物理 解题 思路 方法  在高中物理学习中,大部分学生感觉比较吃力,虽然上课时,教师讲解的题目听得懂,所学的基本概念和规律记得住,可是
Chapter Ⅵ Rights Relating to the Person Article 33 The State shall guarantee that women enjoy equalrights with men relating to their person. Article 34 Women
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