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负数是怎样产生的?传说古代有一位庄主,为了吉利,特别规定:从大年初一到正月十五,只能讲“发”,不能讲“亏”;只能讲升高、增加、收入,不能讲降低、减少、支出…….这难倒了帐房先生:庄里的粮食、银两支出怎样记帐啊?于是帐房先生就向宝华寺数海法师请教,法师缄默不语,只给帐房先生一只阴阳葫芦.这位帐房先生高高兴兴地回家了,认为葫芦中必有锦囊妙计.可回家一看,葫芦中空空如也,什么也没有.“葫芦中必有奥秘”,帐房先生灵机一动,“看不清就用水灌”.想着想着,他就向葫芦中灌满了水.这时,他发现灌进去的清水,出来后却变成了红水.帐房先生恍然大悟,终于找到了解决问题的办法:用黑字记收入,用红字记支出.时至今日会计记帐仍用这种方法。 How did the negative numbers come from? Legend has it that there was a landlord in ancient times. For Geely, it was specifically stipulated that from the New Year’s Day to the fifteenth day of the first month, only “send” could be said and “lose” could not be said; The income can’t be reduced, reduced, or spent.... This stumps Mr. Fan: How can Zhuangli’s grain and silver account be booked? So Mr. Fang asks Bao Hua Temple to consult with Master Hai. The Master is silent. I only gave the accountant a yin and yang gourd. The accountant went home happily, and he thought that there must be a good idea in the gourd. You can go home and see, the gourd is empty, and there is nothing. “There must be a gourd. ”Mystery,“ Mr. Accountant took a turn for the better, ”I couldn’t see it with water." Thinking about it, he filled the gourd with water. At this time, he found that the water poured into the water came out and turned into red water. Mr. Accountant suddenly realized that he finally found a way to solve the problem: use black characters to record income and use red words to record expenditures. Today accounting methods still use this method.
从中国水产养殖的现状出发对中国水产养殖的可持续发展做一些粗浅的探讨。 Based on the current situation of aquaculture in China, this paper makes some superficial
坦然面对生命的残缺$$ 走过一家卖运动器材的店铺,看见墙壁上写着格言似的一行字:健康的乞丐比生病的国王更幸福。我不禁觉得有趣。如果有一位健康的乞丐走过,他一定会觉
一、求值例 1  ( 1995年全国初中数学联赛试题 )已知a、b是方程x2 +(m-2 )x +1=0的两根 ,则 ( 1+ma +a2 ) ( 1+mb +b2 )的值是(   )(A) 1  (B) 2  (C) 3  (D) 4分析 由题意和韦达定理
农村学生上初中前基本未接触过英语,故对英语有一种好奇和敬畏的心理: “太奇妙了!和自己长得一模一样的人怎么会发出完全不同的另一种声音呢?这种声音是怎么产生的呢?我行