针刺对某些正常生理机能的影响 报导Ⅲ 对唾液分泌的影响

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在研究经絡针炙过程中,为了更好地阐明其机制,有必要在健康人身上进行实验研究。因为研究正常人时容易控制条件,如年齡性别、健康状态、生活环境等等,也有“得气”的主观感觉(当然应該认识到健康人和病人之间的差别)。因此我们在研究正常人针刺前后原穴井穴导电量及溫度影响的同时,进行了针刺对血压、体温、唾液分泌、眨眼反射和疲劳的观察。实验在71位健康青年学生身上进行。年龄在20-25之间,均采用毫针和稍作捻转的针刺手法。留针时间、针刺穴位依不同指标而有所差异。实验条件、实验人员所用仪器则均尽量固定,以减小误差。 近年来許多文献均报导了针刺合谷、足三里对胃肠运动和分泌的影响。电针颊车可使唾液分泌减少,但针刺合谷、足三里的影响则尚末见有报导。本文的目的在观察針刺此两穴位对不同食物引起的唾液分泌和自发性分泌的影响。 In the study of meridian acupuncture process, in order to better clarify its mechanism, it is necessary to carry out experimental studies in healthy people. Because it is easy to control conditions when studying normal people, such as age and sex, health status, living environment, etc., there is a subjective feeling of “getting angry” (of course, the difference between healthy people and patients should be recognized). Therefore, we studied the effects of acupuncture on blood pressure, body temperature, salivary secretion, blink reflex and fatigue while studying the effects of temperature and conduction of the original hole before and after acupuncture. The experiment was conducted on 71 healthy young students. Age between 20-25, are used needle and twisting a little needle acupuncture. Needle retention time, acupuncture points vary according to different indicators. Experimental conditions, the instruments used by the experimenter are fixed as much as possible to reduce the error. In recent years, many literatures have reported the effect of acupuncture at Hegu and Zusanli on gastrointestinal motility and secretion. Electroacupuncture chewing saliva can reduce the secretion, but the acupuncture Hegu, Zusanli effects are yet to be reported. The purpose of this article is to observe the effects of acupuncture at these two acupoints on saliva secretion and spontaneous secretion caused by different foods.
一、肺炎是怎样得的? 肺炎是小孩在冬春季最多发生的一种呼吸道疾病,大都是先由支气管炎和感冒引起,孩子得麻疹、百日咳等传染病时也常常併发肺炎。如果小孩有营养不良,佝偻