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在艺术领域中,有时候偏执一点思考问题会有一种崭新发现,世界存在着一个单调的表象,而潜藏于表象以下的内在真实却是无限丰富,偏执却是克服固有的概念思维的一个有效手段,在这一点上,任何文化均不能比真正面对生活所获得的东西更多。生活的本质也需要由自己体验并抓住,而决非什么书本或文化交到你手中,文化在这里至多是一个工具和手段而已,决不能把客观存在当了结果。 站在精神化生命的边缘与站在文化的边缘是两个不同的概念,这尤如身体与衣服的关系一样,衣服的轮廓或许比身体的轮郭更外在,但如果没有身体做为衣物的依托,这件衣服又能被多大程度地体现呢?更何况一种社会化的文化如同衣服,它是需要换来换去地穿的,所以文化永远是人的附属物,尤如电脑一定是人脑的附属物一样,它们是为着人而存在的。但是文化可以做为一种标准,并且是一种手段,用以向人的发展提出更高要求的东西而存在。个人与其周围的一切总是存在着这样那样的矛盾使有些人焦虑并逃避它,逃到个人的所谓文化品味中去。如果有个脓疮的话最好的方式应该不是去粉饰它,而是需要直接一些将其切开,把它暴露出来,这样会发现一些更真实的东西,或许就有了救治的可 In the field of art, sometimes there is a brand-new discovery of the paranoid thinking problem. There is a monotonous appearance in the world, and the underlying reality hidden beneath the appearance is infinitely rich. Paranoid practice is an effective way to overcome the inherent conceptual thinking , At this point, no culture can get more than what it really has to live. The essence of life also needs to be experienced and seized by you. By no means should any book or culture be handed in to you. Culture here is at best a tool and means, and the objective existence must not be the result. Standing on the verge of spiritual life and standing on the brink of culture are two different concepts, just as the relationship between the body and the clothes may be more out of shape than the body of the wheel, but if there is no body to do the clothing Depends on the extent to which this piece of clothing can be reflected? Moreover, a socialized culture is like clothes, which are worn in exchange for the needs of the people, so culture is always a human appendage, as a computer must Like human brain appendages, they exist for people. But culture can be used as a standard and as a means of presenting higher requirements to human development. There is always such a contradiction between individuals and all around them that makes some people anxious and flee from it and escape to the so-called personal cultural tastes. If there is an abscess, the best way should not be to whitewash it. Instead, it needs to be cut directly to reveal it. This will reveal something more real and maybe a cure
本文对河北省500名13~24月龄儿童破伤风抗毒素(TAT)水平进行了监测研究,现报告如下。 材料与方法 一、资料来源:1984年,在全省范围内依“按容量比例的概率抽样的方法”[1],抽
为了解河北省EHF疫区分布,我们于1981~1985年按动物地理小区选点,进行了鼠密度和鼠间EHF抗原携带状况的调查。 1981~1985年,本省共报EHF369例,波及49个县市,以河北平原中南部
我们于八三年春将市区按自然区域分为东、西、中南、北四个片,对0~50岁不同职业的人群采用随机抽样的方法,进行了白喉抗体水平调查,现将结果简要分析报告如下: 一、本次共调
印度瓦拉纳西报道:Banaras印度大学医学院的A K Khanna等报道一例由于宫内避孕器(IUD)移位引起阑尾穿孔。一名30岁患者出现发热和右髂窝触痛,经检查直肠及阴道证实压痛在右
福州市本是病毒性肝炎高发区,1984年3至4月在市区发生了甲型肝炎暴发流行。郊区及各县疫情平稳。为探讨这次流行特点,我们进行了下列各项调查。材料与方法 (一)流行病学调查