政令稳定 国泰民安——读包拯《论诏令数改易疏》

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臣窃见朝廷凡降诏令,行之未久即有改张,故外议纷坛,深恐于体不便。且诏令人主之大柄.而国家治乱安危之所系焉,可无慎乎!缘累年以来,此弊尤甚:制敕才下,未逾月而辄更;请奏方行,又随时而追改。民知命令之不足信,则赏罚何以沮劝乎?臣欲乞今后朝廷几处置事宜,申明制度,不可不慎重。或臣僚上言利害,并请先下两制集议。如可为经久之制,方许颁行;于后或小有异同,非蠢政害民者,不可数有更易。如此,则法存画一,国有常格。伏望少留圣意,天下幸甚。 Chen steal the court where the imperial edict, the line has not been rebuilt in the long run, so the foreign forum, fear of physical inconvenience. And the edict of the masters of the Lord, while the state of chaos and safety of the Yan, without careless! Since the edge of years, the disadvantages are even worse: the system only under the system, not more than the moon and more; please play Fangxing, but at any time and chase. People know the lack of confidence in the letter, the rewards and punishments how to treat frustration? Chen desire to beg the court several disposal matters, affirming the system, we must not be careful. Or bureaucrats, and please set the next two systems. Such as the enduring system, the party promulgated; after the same or similarities and differences, non-stupid political victims, can not be more easily. So, then the law deposit, a state-owned. Wish to stay in the holy Italy, the world is fortunate.
山不在高有仙则灵,水不在深有龙则灵,IDC的机房不在大有用户则灵。 Mountain is not high there is fairy spirit, the water is not deep is the dragon, IDC room is not a gre
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1 概述 防水技术在现代建筑工程上是不可缺少的。作为混凝土建筑物的防水材料,现已有百年以上的历史,在近二、三十年世界上更出现了高分子防水这一新的技术领域,其主要是涂
急性细菌性痢疾是儿科常见的肠道传染病,本文将我院1974年至1980年收住院的菌痢病人,通过大便培养,在病原学及药物敏感试验方面作如下统计分析: 我院儿科自1974年-1980年共