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目的探讨增加眼科住院医师神经介入放射学培训的必要性、可行性、培训内容和培训方式。方法描述与眼科相关的不同脑血管病在血管造影和介入治疗前后的不同特征和变化,分析神经介入放射学知识对眼科医生临床技能全面发展的重要性和增加培训内容的可行性。结果神经介入放射学知识对血管性眼科疾病的诊断和治疗十分重要,可弥补常规影像学检查的不足,提高早期诊断和治疗水平。可以在教学医院增加眼科住院医师的神经介入放射学培训,培训内容包括神经介入放射学一般常识、操作流程和血管性眼科疾病介入治疗适应证选择。神经介入放射学培训方式以授课、手术观摩和阅片为主,培训时间以2周为宜。结论增加神经介入放射学培训,可完善眼科住院医师培训大纲,使眼科医生能力得到更全面培养。 Objective To explore the necessity, feasibility, training contents and training methods of increasing neurological interventional radiology training for ophthalmology residents. Methods Describe the different features and changes of different cerebrovascular diseases related to ophthalmology before and after angiography and interventional therapy and analyze the importance of the knowledge of nerve interventional radiology to the comprehensive development of clinical skills of ophthalmologists and the feasibility of increasing training content. Results The knowledge of nerve interventional radiography is very important for the diagnosis and treatment of vascular ophthalmopathy, which can make up for the lack of routine imaging examination and improve the level of early diagnosis and treatment. Neurology interventional radiology training for ophthalmology residencies may be added to the teaching hospital. The training includes general knowledge of neuro-interventional radiology, procedures of operation, and indications of interventional indications of vascular ophthalmology. Nerve interventional radiology training methods to teach, surgical observation and reading based, training time is appropriate to 2 weeks. Conclusion Increasing the training of neuro-interventional radiology can improve the training outline of ophthalmology residency and make the ability of ophthalmologists more fully cultivated.
TiO2 作为一种光催化剂 ,在光照下能引起氧化还原反应 ,生成超氧阴离子(O2-)和氢氧化物等活性氧。这些氧化物可分解其周围的有机物 ,并能杀死细菌和病毒等微生物。利用这一特性 ,TiO2 可
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三资企业个人所得税管理看起来比较简单,但实际操作却异常复杂。归纳起来,容易在七个方面形成税收漏洞。 一是红包漏洞。有的三资企业采用国外工资奖励方法,除每月账面工资
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