来源 :国际眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lushengli2009
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This rare form of glaucoma is endemic for East Siberia region. This pathology is hereditary, it is transmitted through x-associat-ed recessive type by women-conductors to sick sons. Typical manifestation of this glaucoma is characteristic hypoplasia of iris stroma with its pigment layer uncovering. Pupil zone is always light gray, iris periphery is in the form of wide contrast ring of darker color. This two-colored hue is revealed in all patients and This rare form of glaucoma is endemic for East Siberia region. This pathology is hereditary, it is transmitted through x-associat-ed recessive type by women-conductors to sick sons. Typical manifestation of this glaucoma is characteristic hypoplasia of iris stroma with its pigment layer uncovering. Pupil zone is always light gray, iris periphery is in the form of wide contrast ring of darker color. This two-colored hue is revealed in all patients and
Purpose: To evaluate initial clinical feasibility results with this new micro-invasive, ab-interno placed prototype device to achieve new reduced intraocular p
编剧:傅麒名、汪也迪/导演:金舸/摄影:王力东/录音:孙俞/美术设计:刘小军/主要演员:刘仪伟、柯蓝、文兴字、陈立新、谭莹、周素萍 电视台“我爱厨房”节目的主持——顶级名
导演:傅华阳   编剧:宁财神  主演:陈小春 范冰冰 南贤俊  特邀出演:奥运冠军——潘晓婷 杨扬 高敏 邢傲伟  音乐总监:许环良  武术指导:刘志豪  舞蹈指导:雪糕  类型:动作/歌舞  上映:2008年6月27日    他们无意触发舞林大战,他们引领时尚潮流,他们火热激情,他们动感无敌……      剧情  两群身怀绝技的年轻人狭路相逢,以功夫竞技、以街舞打擂,最终都各自找到生命精彩。底
Purpose: To evaluate the preliminary results of the new non-ab-sorbable HEMA implant in deep sclerectomy surgery. Methods: 18 eyes (18 patients, 12 men and 6 f