
来源 :黄河.黄土.黄种人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hunterfall_horse
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历史课本上,在讲到中国共产党第五次反“围剿”时,总会提到一个人——博古。然而,这位中共中央前总书记、在中共党史中具有重要地位的人,给人的印象始终有点儿模糊不清。从现存的照片上看,博古是一位戴一副深度近视眼镜、面容清秀、个子高高的儒雅男子。博古,究竟是怎样的一个人? On history textbooks, when it comes to the fifth “encirclement and suppression” campaign by the Chinese Communist Party, there is always a man named Bogut. However, the former General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, who has an important place in the history of the Communist Party of China, always gives a somewhat blurred impression. From the existing photos point of view, Bogut is wearing a pair of deep myopia glasses, handsome, tall, refined man. Bogut, what kind of person?