Effects of Ultra-drying on Viability and Physiological Characteristics of Platycladus orientalis See

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wymanszeto
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In order to supply quality seed for vegetation restoration in arid and semiarid areas of Northwest China, the effects of Platycladus orientalis seed storage under ultra-drying and accelerated aging were studied. The seeds were dried from 6.8% to 5.1%, 4.4%, 3.7% and 2.2% MC, respectively, in a desiccator with the silica gel. The germination energy, germination percentage, germination index and vigor index of the seed were investigated. After ultra-drying, groups of seeds were carried on the accelerated aging tests in an oven at 50 oC for 10, 20 and 30 d , respectively, and the physiological indexes, including relative conductivity, dehydrogenase activity and α-amylase activity were tested. The results show that the ultra-dried seeds with 3.7% MC have the highest germination energy, germination percentage, germination index and vigor index. After aging, the dehydrogenase activity and α-amylase activity of the group of seeds of 3.7% MC were higher than those of 6.8%, while the relative conductivity of the group of 3.7% is lower than that of 6.8%. It is feasible to ultra- dry the seeds with 3.7% MC. In order to supply quality seed for vegetation restoration in arid and semiarid areas of Northwest China, the effects of Platycladus orientalis seed storage under ultra-drying and accelerated aging were studied. The seeds were dried from 6.8% to 5.1%, 4.4%, 3.7 % and 2.2% MC, respectively, in a desiccator with the silica gel. The germination energy, germination percentage, germination index and vigor index of the seed were investigated. After ultra-drying, groups of seeds were carried on the accelerated aging tests in an oven at 50 oC for 10, 20 and 30 d, respectively, and the physiological indexes, including relative conductivity, dehydrogenase activity and alpha-amylase activity were tested. The results show that the ultra-dried seeds with 3.7% MC have the highest highest germination energy, germination percentage, germination index and vigor index. After aging, the dehydrogenase activity and alpha-amylase activity of the group of seeds of 3.7% MC were higher than those of 6.8%, while the relative conductivity of the group of 3.7% is lower than that of 6.8%. It is feasible to ultra-dry the seeds with 3.7% MC.
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