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昆山在哪里?昆山,地处中国长三角经济圈的核心区域,东临上海,西依苏州,市域面积931平方公里,总人口200万。作为我国开放的前沿城市,昆山集聚了56个国家和地区的6300多个外资项目。综合实力连续多年保持中国百强县(市)首位,在《福布斯》中国大陆最佳商业城市排行榜上,昆山连续两年位列同类城市第一。昆山是中国大陆经济实力最强的县级市,连续多年被国家统计局评为全国百强县之首。近年昆山还凭借雄厚的综合实力蝉联福布斯中国最佳县级城市第一名。2010年昆山地区生产总值超过2100亿元,按户籍人口计算,人均GDP大约3万美元(常住人口算),居全国所有城市之首。昆山交通便捷、教育发达、国际化水平高。她位于江苏省东南部苏州市与上海市之间:北至东北与常熟市、太仓市两市相连,东至东南与上海嘉定、青浦两区交界,西与中新苏州工业园、吴江市接壤,南部水乡名镇周庄与浙江相通。总面积921.3平方公里。总人口164.7万(2010年普查),其中户籍人口73万。昆山市政府的原文声明2011年11月18日下午,2012&2013WCG世界电子竞技大赛全球总决赛主办城市签约仪式暨新闻发布会在昆山国际会展中心隆重举行,举世瞩目、全球电子竞技体育迷们期待已久的WCG全球总决赛主办城市谜底在江苏省昆山市正式揭晓。WCG世界电子竞技大赛组委会和昆山市人民政府共同发布了WCG全球总决赛落户昆山的信息。江苏省昆山市作为代表中国唯一申办城市,与莫斯科、悉尼、釜山、中国台北等4个城市进入最后竞选名单,并最终胜出,取得2012年和2013年连续两年的主办权。这是继2009年四川成都举办全球总决赛后再次回到中国。WCG世界电子竞技大赛CEO李秀垠,昆山市人民政府代市长路军,苏州体育局副局长龚冀铭,昆山市委常委、昆山开发区党工委副书记、管委会副主任顾剑玉,昆山市人民政府副市长韩卫,管委会副主任陆宗元、陈艺和管委会主任助理盛雪东等领导和嘉宾80多人出席了当天活动。昆山市人民政府代市长路军接受WCG世界电子竞技大赛CEO李秀垠代表WCGC向昆山市人民政府颁发的2012年和2013年主办城市证书,昆山市 Kunshan, Kunshan, located in the core area of ​​the Yangtze River Delta economic circle in China, east of Shanghai, west of Suzhou, the city area of ​​931 square kilometers, with a total population of 2000000. As a frontier city open to our nation, Kunshan has gathered over 6,300 foreign-funded projects in 56 countries and regions. Comprehensive strength for many years to maintain the top 100 counties (cities) in China, “Forbes” in mainland China’s best commercial city rankings, Kunshan for the second consecutive year ranked first in its class. Kunshan is the county-level city with the strongest economic strength in mainland China and has been ranked as one of the top 100 counties in the country by the National Bureau of Statistics for many years in a row. In recent years, Kunshan has reelected as the best county-level city in China by virtue of its solid comprehensive strength. In 2010, Kunshan’s GDP exceeded 210 billion yuan. According to the household population, the per capita GDP is about 30,000 U.S. dollars (resident population), ranking the first among all the cities in the country. Kunshan convenient traffic, developed education, high level of internationalization. She is located in the southeast of Jiangsu Province, between Suzhou and Shanghai: north to northeast and Changshu City, Taicang City, two cities connected to the east and southeast of Shanghai Jiading, Qingpu District at the junction of West and Suzhou Industrial Park, Wujiang City, bordering , Zhouzhuang town in the southern water and Zhejiang are connected. The total area of ​​921.3 square kilometers. The total population of 1,647,000 (2010 census), of which 730,000 registered population. Kunshan City Government’s original statement On the afternoon of November 18, 2011, the signing ceremony and press conference of the sponsor cities of the 2012 & 2013 World Championships in WCG were held at Kunshan International Convention and Exhibition Center and attracted worldwide attention. The global e-sports fans are looking forward to long-awaited WCG Global Finals host city mystery officially announced in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province. WCG World Cyber ​​Games Organizing Committee and Kunshan Municipal People’s Government jointly released the WCG Global Finals settled in Kunshan. Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, entered the final list of the four cities representing Moscow, Sydney, Pusan ​​and Chinese Taipei on behalf of the only city hosting applications in China and won the bid for the second consecutive year in 2012 and 2013 respectively. This is the second time after returning to China after hosting the 2009 Global Finals in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. WCG World Cyber ​​Games CEO Li Xiuyin, Kunshan Municipal People’s Government Acting Mayor Lu Jun, Suzhou Sports Bureau deputy director Gong Jiming, Kunshan Municipal Committee, Kunshan Development Zone, deputy secretary of Party committee, CMC Gu Jianyu, Kunshan City People Han Wei, deputy mayor of the government, Lu Zongyuan, deputy director of the CMC, Chen Yi and Sheng Xuedong, assistant to the director of the CMC, and more than 80 leaders and guests attended the day’s event. Kunshan Municipal People’s Government Acting Mayor Lu Jun accepted WCG World Cyber ​​Games CEO Li Xiunian on behalf of WCGC presented to the Kunshan Municipal People’s Government 2012 and 2013 host city certificate, Kunshan City
每个队员都找到了最适合的位置rn大赛临近,队员和战队的状态肯定是大家最关心的,Klndy像我们介绍: “目前队员们的状态很好,每个人都找到了自己最适合的位置,队伍也根据队员