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7月17日下午,康城20万平米郊野公园内,千余名思妍丽会员受邀携家人,共度名为“香草女人·芳泽天空”、为时三个小时丰富多彩的活动。活动上,女人们尽享主角的荣耀,但主办方也为她们的家人精心安排了精彩节目。据悉,思妍丽会员的家人是首次被邀请参加活动,康城完善的配套资源为这次先例提供了可能。男士们可尽情在康城 GOLF 俱乐部绿波荡漾、青葱围绕的42打位 GOLF球场切磋球技。儿童天地设置得温馨而富有情趣,里边设有滑梯、秋千和多样玩具,难怪孩子们玩得不亦乐乎。为体现对儿童、小动物等弱势群体的关怀,活动特别邀请了 SOS 儿童村的老师和小朋友们一起参加,为的是倡导来宾关注这些从小缺少家庭温暖的小朋友,以捐款和手工艺品义卖的方式贡献一份自己的爱心,让他们感受到大家庭的欢乐气氛。公益活动的设置,让这个崇尚美的聚会更有了与往日不同的意义。作为中国最大的护肤美容机构,思妍丽会员均为高收入阶层的时尚女性,思妍丽每年都会在高档星级酒店为会员举办1-2次大型时尚聚会。此次活动主办方北京晨曦同盟商业管理有限公司的老总即是康城业主,无形中使这次盛会有了康城业主联谊的意味。 On the afternoon of July 17, over 200,000 square meters of country park in Cannes, more than a thousand members of Thinks were invited to bring their family together to name the “Vanilla Woman, Fragrant Sky” for a three-hour, colorful event. At the event, women enjoyed the glory of the protagonist, but the organizers also arranged wonderful shows for their families. It is reported that thinking Yan Lai members of the family is invited to participate in activities for the first time, Cannes perfect supporting resources for this precedent has provided the possibility. Men can enjoy the green waves at Cannes GOLF club, surrounded by 42 green GOLF court play skills. Children’s world set warm and full of fun, there are slides, swings and a variety of toys, no wonder children enjoy themselves. In order to embody the care of vulnerable groups such as children and small animals, SOS Children’s Village specially invited children and teachers to participate in this event. In order to encourage guests to pay attention to these children who lack the warmth of family, donations and handicrafts sale Contribute a love of their own, so that they feel the joy of extended family atmosphere. The setting of public welfare activities makes this beautiful party more different from the past. As China’s largest skin care and beauty institutions, think Yan Lai members are high-income fashion women, think Yan every year in high-grade star hotel for members to hold 1-2 large-scale fashion party. The organizer of the Beijing Morning Herald Union Business Management Co., Ltd. is the owner of Cannes, virtually make this event with the meaning of Cannes owners friendship.
[本刊讯]旅法钢琴家周勤龄日前应邀到山西中北大学讲学期间,中北大学专门举办了简短仪式,由党委郭书记亲自向她 [Sinorama] Pianist Zhou Qingling was recently invited to
人们常说,是英雄莫问出处,但在娱乐圈,出身却是许多人发迹的根本。不过,在娱乐界中,也有这样一群女人在打拼并且荣耀着。她们,就是一群来自体坛的娱乐女郎们。 People often