On Metallogenic Conditions and Regularities of the Lower and Middle Reaches of the Changjiang River

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erikwg
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The paper deals with the metallogenic conditions and regularities of the region ol the lower-middle reachesof the Changjiang River in China. The complicated structural network with the Changjiang (Yangtse) deepfracture as its trunk is the leading rock-and ore-controlling structure of the metallogenic belt. Thehigh-potassium granodiorites of the first magmatic sequence of the Mesozoic Yangtse syntexis type and thesodium-rich diorites of the second sequence are genetically related to the copper ore series and the iron ore se-ries respectively. and occur respectively in the block-faulted and-folded uplift area and the down-faulted vol-canic basin as well as the transitional zone between the two. The ore-hosting horizons show specific associa-tions of rocks and often contain ore beds basically of stratabound nature. The paper deals with the metallogenic conditions and regularities of the region ol the lower-middle reaches of the Changjiang River in China. The complicated structural network with the Changjiang (Yangtse) deepfracture as its trunk is the leading rock-and ore-controlling structure of the The high-potassium granodiorites of the first magmatic sequence of the Mesozoic Yangtse syntexis type and the sodium-rich diorites of the second sequence are genetically related to the copper ore series and the iron ore se-ries respectively. and occur respectively in the block -faulted and -folded uplift area and the down-faulted vol-canic basin as well as the transitional zone between the two. The ore-hosting horizons show specific associa- tions of rocks and often contain ore- basically basically stratabound nature.
8月12日,乌当区召开“为党的事业增添正能量”工作动员会,会议对即将举行以展示阳光心态为主题的太极健身气功演示活动进行了再安排再部署,区委组织副部长、离退局局长杨志华对工作进行了安排。  区老体协主席黄润昌指出,要从“六个抓”落实好为党的事业增添正能量活动:一是抓加强组织领导,搞好宣传发动;二是抓好教育引导,形成共识;三是抓载体,形成强烈的氛围;四是抓优质服务提供组织保障;五是抓样板,用典型引路;
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