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在深化干部人事制度的改革中,徐州矿务局三河尖煤矿于1992年在采煤三区试行了工长制,即:工区干部只设党支部书记、区长、技术员各一名,取消三个班跟班副区长和正副班长,把班建制改成工段,每个工段设正副工长各一名,工长是工区领导下的一个生产工段的负责人,是该工段安全生产的直接指挥者、管理者和第一责任者,是工区不脱产的现场管理干部,行政上直接受区长领导。从采煤三区这几年的试点情况看,效果明显,优越性较大。 首先,精减了工区脱产干部人数,减少了管理层次,提高了工作效率。实行工长制前,区长对各班布置的工作任务,由跟班副区长和班长共同组织完成,跟班副区长是工区脱产干部,代表工区跟班行使职权,班长具体组织实施,在现场生产管理中,两人的责权不好 In deepening the reform of the cadre personnel system, the Sanhejian Coal Mine of Xuzhou Mining Bureau tried the foreman system in the third district of coal mining in 1992, that is, the cadre in the district only had one secretary of the party branch, one district chief, and one technician, canceled three. The sub-department heads and deputy heads of the classes followed by the class changed the class system into sections. Each section had one head and one foreman. The foreman was the person in charge of the production section under the leadership of the construction area and was the direct commander of the safety production of the section. Persons, managers, and the first responsible person are field management cadres who are not out of production in the work area and are directly under the leadership of the district chief. From the pilot conditions in the past three years of the coal mining area, the effect is obvious and the advantages are greater. First, it reduced the number of cadres in the work area, reduced the level of management, and improved work efficiency. Before the implementation of the foreman system, the work tasks assigned by the mayor to each class were jointly organized by the deputy head of the deputy director and the monitor. The deputy head of the deputy director was the degeneration cadre in the project area. The deputy head of the depot worked on behalf of the project area, and the monitor was specifically organized to implement the production. In management, the responsibilities of the two are not good
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