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本刊记者获悉,中央音乐学院附中学生徐逸群获得第七届扬尼格罗(Antonio Janigro)国际大提琴比赛12—14岁年龄组第一名;她的指导教师朱亦兵也被授予优秀教师奖。在祝贺获奖选手取得喜人成绩的同时,记者也造访了朱亦兵老师,请他谈了谈近年来他对大提琴教学的一些体会和感受。朱亦兵,著名大提琴家,中央音乐学院大提琴教授。出生于音乐世家,8岁随父学琴,随后进入中央音乐学院附小学习。13岁出版第一张个人唱片。17岁考入法国巴黎国立高等音乐学院,师从当代著名大提琴家莫里斯·让德隆。从70年代末开始,渡过了长达20多年的旅欧音乐生涯,其间进行大量的演出实践活动,积累了丰富的独奏、室内乐和乐队演奏经验,具备了深厚的音乐造诣与艺术修养。本世纪初,他归国回到母校任教,以极大的热忱投入大提琴教学与普及工作,取得了突出的成绩。 Our correspondent was informed that Xu Yiqun, a middle school student of the Central Conservatory of Music, won first place in the 12-14 age group of the seventh at the Antonio Janigro International Cello Competition; her instructor Zhu Yibing was also awarded the Outstanding Teacher Award. While congratulating the winners on their gratifying achievements, the reporter also visited Zhu Yibing and asked him to talk about some of his experiences and feelings about cello teaching in recent years. Zhu Yibing, famous cellist, cello professor at the Central Conservatory of Music. Born in a musical family, he studied piano with his father at the age of 8, and then entered the Central Conservatory of Music with a small study. 13-year-old published the first personal record. 17-year-old admitted to the Paris National Institute of Advanced Music, France, under the famous contemporary cellist Maurice Jean Deron. From the late 1970s onwards, he spent over 20 years in European music career. In the meantime, he performed a large number of performance activities and accumulated rich experience in solo, chamber music and band performance. He has profound musical accomplishments and artistic accomplishments. At the beginning of this century, he returned home to teach at his alma mater, with great enthusiasm for cello teaching and popularization, and achieved outstanding results.
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