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克拉玛依市独山子区人大常委会充分发挥人民代表的作用,设立了法制、财经、教科文卫、民族侨务等四个议事组,分别由代表担任组长、成员,他们把人大工作开展得有声有色,受到各方好评。刘如席,原是独山子炼油厂总会计师,离休后,又受聘于独山子永信会计师事务所。自当选为独山子区九届人大代表以来,他认真学习有关法律、法规,学习人大知识。去年,区九届人大三次会议上,刘总一人便提意见、建议17条。他不仅走访本区的职工群众,而且针对一些问题:如我区公、检、法以及教育经费紧张等问题,专 The Dushanzi District People’s Congress Standing Committee of the Karamay City fully gives play to the role of the people’s deputies and has set up four deliberative groups including the legal system, finance and economics, the Weichengwei, and the ethnic overseas Chinese affairs. The representatives of the four acting groups respectively serve as team leaders and members. Praised by all parties. Liu Ruixi, former Dushanzi refinery chief accountant, after retiring, was hired in Dushanzi Wing Shun Certified Public Accountants. Since being elected as the representative of the 9th National People’s Congress of Dushanzi District, he has conscientiously studied relevant laws and regulations and learned the knowledge of the NPC. Last year, the Third Session of the Ninth District People’s Congress held a meeting, one of Mr. Liu gave his opinion and suggested 17 articles. He not only visited the staff and workers in his area but also answered some questions: For example, the problems of public security, prosecution, law and education funding in our district
2001年6月29~30日,由天津市科委主持召开了2001天津子午线轮胎机械新产品科技成果推广评议会。 与会代表对天津赛象科技股份有限公司新开发研制的“三鼓式全钢丝载重子午线轮
A release model for diffusion-controlled monolithic matrix coated with outer membrane system is proposed and solved by using the refined double integral method.
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