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在 C801反舰导弹的基础上,我国又研制了新一代岸对舰机动式导弹 C802,它能部署在临海基地、要塞或岛屿上,用来在较大海域范围内防御封锁海峡和航道,打击敌舰,保卫沿海港口、城市和海上交通线。与 C801不同的是,C802采用小型弹用涡喷发动机,使最大动力航程达120千米。该导弹的二次降高为5米、7米,因而被敌雷达发现后留给敌方的作战准备时间很短,可实现超低空突防。与 C801—样,C802也采用扇面发射技术,只要目标在射击扇面范围内 On the basis of the C801 anti-ship missile, China has also developed a new generation of shore-to-ship mobile missile C802, which can be deployed on a coastal base, fortress or island to prevent blocking the strait and waterway in a large area and combat Enemy ships, coastal port defense, urban and maritime traffic. The difference is that with the C801, C802 uses a small projectile turbojet engine, the maximum power range of 120 km. The second drop of the missile to 5 meters, 7 meters, which was left behind enemy radar after the preparations for a very short time, enabling ultra-low-altitude penetration. Like the C801, the C802 also uses fan-firing technology as long as the target is within range of the firing sector
本文介绍了固体继电器(SSR)的特点、结构、工作原理以及固体继电器在舰炮控制中的应用。 This article describes the characteristics of the solid state relay (SSR), st
目前,美国海军陆战队正在研制一种“先进两栖突击车”(Advanced Am-phibious Assault Vehicle 略为 AAAV),现已研制出样本,正在进行水上、陆上性能和武器设计实验。该车将用
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