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公元916年,辽太祖耶律阿保机创建了契丹政权,后改国号为辽。在辽朝管辖境内的居民,有作为主体的契丹族,还有汉族、渤海、回鹘、奚、女真等民族。各族人民在长期的生产劳动中创造了不朽的文化,尤其是最初以狩猎、畜牧为主要经济的契丹族,在与汉人的交往和杂居中,学习了许多先进经验,不断丰富、发展和壮大自己,为中国古代文明作出了重要贡献。但是,由于中原王朝封建史家所谓以汉族为主体的正统观念作祟,对少数民族历史记载不多,且多加歪曲。更因为辽朝统治者书禁极严,流传文献较少,以及元代所修《辽史》时间仓促,疏漏谬误甚多,致使研究辽代历史,尤其是契丹族史倍感资料困乏。因此,考古资料便成为历史研究的重要依据之一。而墓葬壁面装饰,即墓壁、棺壁等各部位的绘画、雕刻、仿木结构建筑等,是其它资料不可比拟的最形象、最确切、最真实的资料。故笔者选择了建国以来发现的辽代契丹族重要壁面装饰墓葬进行研究,限于篇幅,本文仅就13座墓葬的族属及分期问题进行探讨。 In 916 AD, Taipu ancestral Yaluo A machine created the Khitan regime, after the change of country name for the Liao. Among the inhabitants under the jurisdiction of the Liao Dynasty, there are the Khitan as the main body, as well as the Han, Bohai, Hui, Xi, Jurchen and other ethnic groups. The people of all nationalities have created an immortal culture in their long-term productive work. In particular, the Khitan ethnic group, which was primarily based on hunting and livestock husbandry, learned many advanced experiences and constantly enriched, developed and expanded its relationship with the Han people It has made an important contribution to ancient Chinese civilization. However, since the so-called orthodox ideas of the Han people as the main body of the feudalism historians in the Central Plains brought misconceptions about the history of the ethnic minorities and more and more distortions. Moreover, because the Liao dynasty ruled books were extremely harsh, there were few circulating documents and the Harsh Liao history of the Liao Dynasty was repaired in the Yuan Dynasty, there were many omissions and fallacies, which led to the study of Liao history, especially the history of the Qidan history. Therefore, archeological data has become an important basis for historical research. The tombs wall decoration, that is, the tomb, the coffin wall and other parts of the painting, sculpture, wood structure building, etc., is incomparable other information the most vivid, the most accurate and most authentic information. Therefore, I chose to study the important wall decoration tombs found in the Liao Dynasty since the founding of the PRC. Due to space limitations, this article only discusses the ethnicity and staging of 13 tombs.
为了解中老年人非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)与心血管疾病的关系,及在高校的发病情况,我们对528 名40 岁以上中老年知识分子的体检结果进行了分析。检出糖尿病56 例,占10.61% 。同时合并高脂血症者29
我院近10年来共收治以癫痫为主要临床表现的甲状旁腺机能减退(甲旁减)7例,其中特发性甲旁减(IHP)5例,假性甲旁减2例,报告如下。1 临床资料1-1 一般资料 本组男5例,女2例,年龄12~28岁,IHP5例,假性甲旁减2例,从发