WWW Business Applications Based on the Cellular Model

来源 :Journal of Computer Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wawayu0bell212
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A cellular model based on the Incrementally Modular Abstraction Hierarchy(IMAH)is a novel model that can represent the architecture of and changes in cyberworlds,preserving invariants from a general level to a specific one.We have developed a data processing system called the Cellular Data System(CDS).In the development of business applications,you can prevent combinatorial explosion in the process of business design and testing by using CDS.In this paper,we have first designed and implemented wide-use algebra on the presentation level.Next,we have developed and verified the effectiveness of two general business applications using CDS:1)a customer information management system,and 2)an estimate system. A cellular model based on the Incrementally Modular Abstraction Hierarchy (IMAH) is a novel model that can represent the architecture of and changes in cyberworlds, preserving invariants from a general level to a specific one. We have developed a data processing system called the Cellular Data System (CDS) .In the development of business applications, you can prevent combinatorial explosion in the process of business design and testing by using CDS. This paper, we have first designed and implemented wide-use algebra on the presentation level .Next, we have developed and verified the effectiveness of two general business applications using CDS: 1) a customer information management system, and 2) an estimate system.
丁长缨,中学语文一级教师,济南市优质课评比二等奖获得者,“十一五”规划教育部重点课题子课题负责人,发表教育教学论文10万字。  【最寓意深刻之:中国,我的钥匙丢了】  题目鉴赏:  20世纪80年代,恐怕每个孩子的脖子上都会套着家门钥匙,这才不会因为粗心或贪玩而丢失。钥匙,随时都可以打开家门,让人拥有身心的归宿地,让每个孩子都记得回家的路。  诗人敏锐地选取“钥匙”这个别具深意的意象,把它放在标题
和MM虽同处一个单位,但我们却是通过QQ相识的。MM要求把我们聊天的所有信息——包括聊天记录、发送的图片、视频等全部保存下来,作为日后的纪念。正好 Although MM and a un
作为一名普通网管,如果想从基础工作转向技术主管或管理更大型的网吧,就要认真了解一些虽然基础,却又最容易被忽视的网络知识,而这些网络知识往往是在网吧实际建网当中必不可少的,所以一般很难接触到实践的机会,只能通过理论知识与模拟软件来练习,本文以对比的方式分析几种网络交换方式,目的在于帮助大家了解这些最常听到却最少了解到的网络组建知识,以便大家在担任更高要求的网络设计任务时做到心中有数。    二层交换