Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health-EDRM) in Remote Ethnic Minority Areas of Rural

来源 :International Journal of Disaster Risk Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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Remote,rural ethnic-minority communities face greater disaster-related public health risks due to their lack of resources and limited access to health care.The Ethnic Minority Health Project(EMHP) was initiated in 2009 to work with remote,disaster-prone ethnic-minority villages that live in extreme poverty.One of the project’s aims is to develop and evaluate bottom-up health risk reduction efforts in emergency and disaster risk management(HealthEDRM).This article shares project updates and describes field intervention results from the Yi ethnic community of Hongyan village in China’s Sichuan Province,an area that experiences recurrent floods.It was found that 64% of the village respondents had never considered any form of disaster preparation,even with the recurrent flood risks.Health intervention participants showed sustained knowledge retention and were nine times more likely to know the correct composition of oral rehydration solution(ORS) after the intervention.Participants also retained the improved knowledge on ORS and disaster preparedness kit ownership12 months after the intervention. Remote, rural ethnic-minority communities face greater disaster-related public health risks due to their lack of resources and limited access to health care. Ethnic Minority Health Project (EMHP) was initiated in 2009 to work with remote, disaster-prone ethnic- minority villages that live in extreme poverty. One of the project’s aims is to develop and evaluate bottom-up health risk reduction efforts in emergency and disaster risk management (HealthEDRM). This article shares project updates and describes field intervention results from the Yi ethnic community of Hongyan village in China’s Sichuan Province, an area that experiences recurrent floods.It was found that 64% of the village respondents had never considered any form of disaster preparation, even with the recurrent flood risks. Health critical programs showed sustained knowledge retention and were nine times more likely to know the correct composition of oral rehydration solution (ORS) after the intervention. Participants also re tained the improved knowledge on ORS and disaster preparedness kit ownership12 months after the intervention.
【摘 要】佛教造像在中国佛教的发展史上,对佛教的发展起着推波助澜的作用,使佛教一步步迈向更新的台阶。佛教造像随着佛教的传入而出现,佛教造像在中国经历了汉代的肇事,南北朝的丰富,唐代的兴盛,宋代及以后佛教造像向世俗化转型。清丰县文物所的收藏的佛教造像。  【关键词】佛教造像 收藏  佛教自西汉哀帝永寿元年(公元前二年)传入中国,佛教雕塑随佛教东传而进入,开始了一段新的旅程。佛教雕塑的产生,使得佛教更
【摘 要】孟子作为中国儒家学派的重要代表人物,其思想在中国思想史上占有举足轻重的地位,研究孟子思想具有重要史学价值和现实意义。本文主要从孟子的政治论、心性论两大方面对孟子的思想进行阐述,并重点介绍了孟子的代表性学说“性善说”,认为人的本性是善的,我们在现实生活应该从人性善出发,以此来构建良好的社会秩序。本文能够旨在进一步了解孟子思想以此对我们现在社会秩序建设有所启示。  【关键词】孟子政治论 心性
目的 观察急性胆道及解除梗阻对豚鼠胆囊鼠胆囊平滑肌的收缩、Cajal间质细胞(ICC)的影响.方法 将雄性豚鼠随机分为假手术对照组( Sham)、胆总管结扎2 d(BDL)和胆总管结扎2d后去结扎2 d(DBDL)3组.苏木素-伊红(HE)染色观察各组胆囊组织炎症,亚甲蓝染色在活组织中观察胆囊ICC的网络结构,c-kit免疫荧光染色观察胆囊ICC数目的改变,张力换能器记录豚鼠离体胆囊平滑肌的张力.
患婴 男,出生后5天,体质量2.5 kg.其母孕8个月产检时胎儿超声心动图及磁共振检查即诊断为左心发育不良综合征.患婴出生后出现吐沫、抽搐,全身黄染明显,无发绀和缺氧发作.超声
患者 男,24岁.活动后胸闷、心悸、气促1周.患者呈马方综合征体征,有高血压病史,近日症状明显加重、不能平卧,伴双下肢水肿,心功能(NYHA)Ⅳ级.rn入院后查体心率90次/min,律不
【摘 要】物联网也称为传感网,誉为继计算机和互联网之后世界信息产业的第三次浪潮,拥有广阔的开发应用前景。本文就对物联网产业发展的现状及对策进行了分析和探讨。  【关键词】物联网产业 现状 对策  物联网也称为传感网,誉为继计算机和互联网之后世界信息产业的第三次浪潮,拥有广阔的开发应用前景。笔者就基于物联网概念的基础之上,通过分析当前我国物联网产业发展的现状,提出了促进物联网产业发展的对策。  一、
患者 女,80岁.突发胸背部疼痛4个月,伴右下肢进行性坏死1个月.增强CT提示为A型主动脉夹层,原发破口在升主动脉近无名动脉处,从升主动脉延伸至髂动脉,在右侧髂动脉开口见血栓
【摘 要】随着全球信息化建设的迅猛发展,“三网融合”的持续推进,HCF作为一种综合数字服务宽带网接入技术,其优势和特征日益明显,包括数据传输带宽高、资源丰富、接入简单、节约成本和维护方便等。本文首先介绍了宽带HFC接入网的网络结构和接入方法,提出了宽带HFC接入网网管系统设计方案,对网络性能、网络设备进行有效管理。  【关键词】HFC HFC接入网 网络管理  HFC,即混合光纤同轴电缆网,HFC