Following His Dream

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  AFTeR two months in Douala, the largest city in Cameroon, Li Liang has adapted to the local life. As an engineer sent by CGC (China Geo-engineering Corp.) Overseas Construction Group Co. the end of 2011, Li is in charge of electrical equipment maintenance for a water company in Cameroon. Sometimes, he has to go deep into the jungles to fix pumps. Although the job is laborious, he feels it is worthy.
  “Our job is to provide locals cleaner water that is vital to their livelihood. Those Africans employed by us are earnest in their work as they know what they are doing is not only about earning money, but also to protect their families’ health,” Li told ChinAfrica.
  Li majored in electrical engineering and graduated from north China electric Power university. After having worked for a private enterprise for two years, he was recruited by CGC Overseas Construction Group for his expertise and english language skills. About two months later, he was assigned to work in Africa.
  “Growing up in the countryside, i once experienced the bitterness of having no drinking water. now i can help African friends suffering from lack of water with what i have learned. i feel proud of it,” Li said about why he went to Africa. “Moreover, i hope to widen my view by going abroad, now to Africa and later to europe and the united States,” he added.
  To improve his personal skills is another reason why Li went to Africa. in Africa he has the chance of being involved in designing the project, through which he will acquire more professional skills. in addition, he is responsible for the company’s purchases and also some of the business negotiations in Cameroon.
  There was also the question of earning more. Li’s girlfriend is a postgraduate majoring in law. he hopes she will have more time to take care of their family, so he should shoulder the responsibility of supporting the family.
  “The living cost in China is so high that i am not able to afford a house to get married in the near future. And i don’t want to spend all the money my parents have saved their entire life. So i need to earn money to alleviate the burden on the family,” he said.
  The tough living conditions in Africa deter many people from working there. however, Li is optimistic. Born in the countryside and having worked in remote mountain areas during the past two years, Li is no stranger to hardship. he said this prepared him for Africa.
  Li said political instability and diseases are the most dangerous threats to Chinese workers in Africa. Moreover, language barriers keep them from communicating with locals freely, making life more lonely.
  One of Li’s colleagues contracted malaria after being told to extend his stay in Africa.“i think depression because of homesickness is the main reason for his disease. if people are in good mood, they will have stronger immunity, and won’t get sick easily,” Li said.
  Despite these difficulties, Li is determined to pursue his dream in Africa. “i am young. All of the experiences here will enrich my life,” he told ChinAfrica.
  Li learned from his colleagues’ previous experience that succeeding in Africa was not easy. “The chances of breaking up with girlfriends [back in China] and getting divorced are high for us,” Li said.
  he has always been motivated by the words of his manager before he came to Africa, who told him the key to career success was persistence, and whether his Africa post was to last three years or even five years, he was told to stick it out.
  To realize his dream, Li tries to improve his skills. There are dozens of Chinese and foreign literary masterpieces and self-taught textbooks to learn French in his computer. “The reasons why i learn French are not only to work better, but also to better understand local life and culture so that i can make more friends,” Li told ChinAfrica.
  After only two months in Africa, Li is already growing fond of the continent. “i will work hard here and keep the water company running smoothly for the sake of my company and even for the sake of locals’ health,” he said.
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