New Archaeological Finds In Xianquanhe River Valley

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Xianquanhe River in Ngari of Tibet got its name because of the valley at its head that looks like an elephant trunk. It originates in Mointo Township,Gar County,running west to pass through Zada County before entering India.The section of the river in India is named the Sutlej.It joins the Chenab River in Pakistan before finally becoming a major tributary on the upper reaches of the Indus River.It is 1.450km long,with a drainage area of 400,000 square km. The survey started with the source of Xianquanhe River and then went on to Zada County’s Xiangba Township.They found many historical remaias of the pre- Buddhism period including stoneware position,great stone relics,ancient graveyards, rock paintings and relics of the Xianquanhe River in Ngari of Tibet got its name because of the valley at its head that looks like an elephant trunk. It originates in Mointo Township, Gar County, running west to pass through Zada ​​County before entering India. Section of the river in India is named the Sutlej. It joins the Chenab River in Pakistan before finally becomes a major tributary on the upper reaches of the Indus River. It is 1.450km long, with a drainage area of ​​400,000 square km. The survey started with the source of Xianquanhe River and then went on to Zada ​​County’s Xiangba Township. The found many historical remaias of the pre- Buddhism period including stoneware position, great stone relics, ancient graveyards, rock paintings and relics of the
第一位———成龙 :1 .81 5亿元。投资 :Stareast公司约 90 0万 ;电影 :《火拼时速》分红约 5 ,0 0 0万 ;《ShanghaiNoon》 (《上海正午》)约 1亿 ;广告 :爱多VCD80 0万 ;汾煌可乐 80 0万 ;澳洲红酒
由本刊常务副主编、语言文学研究所所长张福勋教授和他的研究生徐文潮共同撰著的研究宋代诗人、诗作、诗论、诗派等的论文结集《宋诗论集》(内蒙古人民出版社 1998年 11月出
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