
来源 :四川精神卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chongfengli
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本研究旨在进一步研究不同时间氯氮平的血药浓度与临床效应的关系。对住院前至少两周未用过抗精神病药的精神分裂症病人,入组后即服药,两周内加至治疗量(300-400mg/日)。分别于治疗前、治疗后4周末、8周末和12周末进行BPRS、SANS评定,4周末、8周末、12周末空腹12小时后次日晨取血检测血药浓度,同时评定TESS得分。结果发现BPRS总分、CGI和GAF总分在第4周末、SANS总分在第8周末明显减低。在第4周末、8周末、12周末氯氮平的血药浓度与BPRS减分率无显著相关,但4周末和8周末血药浓度与SANS总分减分率呈显著正相关,8周末的服药剂量与血药浓度呈显著正相关。女性病人8周末的血药浓度与BPRS减分率呈显著正相关,服药剂量与血药浓度呈显著正相关。不同时间的TESS总分与血药浓度无显著相关性。氯氮平对精神分裂症的阳性症状和阴性症状均有效,无非以阴性症状为主的精神分裂症显效稍晚一些,服用氯氮平治疗的病人前8周内,提高血药浓度,可适当提高对阴性症状的疗效,女性病人的疗效可能更好一些,且女性病人增加剂量有可能提高血药浓度。 The purpose of this study was to further investigate the relationship between the serum concentration of clozapine and the clinical effect at different times. For schizophrenia patients who have not used antipsychotic drugs for at least two weeks prior to admission, they will be taken on medication and added to the therapeutic dose (300-400 mg / day) within two weeks. The plasma concentrations of BPRS and SANS were measured before treatment, 4 weeks after treatment, 8th week, and 12th week respectively. Blood samples were collected at the 4th, 8th, 12th week after the 12th week of the next morning for determination of TESS scores. The results showed that the total score of BPRS, CGI and GAF ​​score at the end of the 4th week, SANS score decreased significantly at the end of the 8th week. There was no significant correlation between clozapine plasma concentration and the BPRS reduction rate at the 4th, 8th and 12th week, but there was a significant positive correlation between the plasma concentration of the clozapine and the SANS total score reduction rate at the 4th, 8th and 8th week. There was a significant positive correlation between medication dose and plasma concentration. There was a significant positive correlation between the plasma concentration of 8-week female patients and the BPRS reduction rate. The dosage of the drug had a significant positive correlation with plasma concentration. There was no significant correlation between TESS score and plasma concentration at different time points. Clozapine on the positive symptoms and negative symptoms of schizophrenia are effective, nothing more than the negative symptoms of schizophrenia markedly later, take clozapine treatment of patients within the first 8 weeks, to enhance plasma concentrations may be appropriate To improve the efficacy of negative symptoms, the efficacy of female patients may be better, and female patients to increase the dose may increase blood concentration.
目的 探讨5-FU持续48 h静脉灌注联合顺铂治疗晚期鼻咽癌的近期疗效和不良反应.方法全组病例采用甲酰四氢叶酸钙(CF)200 mg/m2静滴,5-FU 0.5 g于CF滴至一半时静脉推注,接着5-FU 3.0 g/m2持续静脉灌注48 h,在整个5-FU灌注过程中每6小时口服安曲希片75 mg,共7次,每例患者均联合使用顺铂30 mg连用5 d,所有患者均接受4个疗程以上的化疗.结果 CR 2例
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