Effects of Process Parameters on the Temperature Field in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Blade Precision Forging Pr

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiefer34
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Blade precision forging is a high temperature and large plastic deformation process. Process parameters have a great effect on temperature distribution in billet, so in this paper, by taking a Ti-6Al-4V alloy blade with a tenon as an object, the influence of process parameters on the temperature distribution in precision forging process was investigated using 3D coupled thermo-mechanical FEM (finite element method) code developed by the authors. The results obtained illustrate that: (1) the gradient of temperature distribution increases with increasing the deformation degree; (2) with increasing the initial temperature of the billet, the zones of high temperature become larger, and the gradient of temperature distribution hardly has any increase; (3) friction factors have little effect on the distribution of temperature field; (4) with increasing upper die velocity, temperature of the billet increases while the temperature gradient in billet decreases. The results are helpful to the design and optimization of the process parameters in precision forging process of Ti-alloy blade. Blade precision forging is a high temperature and large plastic deformation process. Process parameters have a great effect on temperature distribution in billet, so in this paper, by taking a Ti-6Al-4V alloy blade with a tenon as an object, the influence of process parameters on the temperature distribution in precision forging process was investigated using the 3D coupled thermo-mechanical FEM (finite element method) code developed by the authors. The results for illustrate that: (1) the gradient of temperature distribution increases with increasing the deformation degree (2) with increasing the initial temperature of the billet, the zones of high temperature become larger, and the gradient of temperature distribution hardly has any increase; (3) friction factors have little effect on the distribution of temperature field; (4) with increasing upper die velocity, temperature of the billet increases while the temperature gradient in billet decreases. The results are helpful to the de sign and optimization of the process parameters in precision forging process of Ti-alloy blade.
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