Labor Mobility,Technological Progress and Urbanization:Empirical Evidence from China

来源 :中国城市研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:klammj
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This paper investigates the relationship and interaction mechanism between labor mobility technological progress and urbanization,and constructs the analytical framework.Labor mobility can be affected by technological progress and based on the mechanisms of capital accumulation,learning and innovation,and R&D activities,it influences on the upgrade of technology.In addition,with the exogenous institutions and other intermediate variables,we analyze the interaction between above two factors and urbanization.In order to examine these issues we employ a dataset from China.This dataset provides information about province-level information on labor mobility,technological progress and urbanization with other related variables.The performance of labor mobility along with the characteristics regarding the process of urbanization is our focus empirical analysis.Analyzing these data allows us to identify the different roles which technological progress and labor mobility play in the urbanization process,and based on this we provide related policy implications. This paper investigates the relationship and interaction mechanism between labor mobility technological progress and urbanization, and constructs the analytical framework. Labor mobility can be affected by technological progress and based on the mechanisms of capital accumulation, learning and innovation, and R & D activities, it influences the upgrade of technology. In addition, with the exogenous institutions and other intermediate variables, we analyze the interaction between above two factors and urbanization. order to examine these issues we employ a dataset from China. This dataset provides information about province-level information on labor mobility, technological progress and urbanization with other related variables. the performance of labor mobility along with the characteristics regarding the process of urbanization is our focus empirical analysis. An analysis of these data allows us to identify the different roles which technological progress and labor mobility play in the urbanization process, and based on this we provide related policy implications.
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