Overlay networking: applications and research challenges

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Overlay networking is one of the perspective solutions to today’s Internet challenges. At basic service level, overlay networks can serve as a supplement and enhancement of existing services, such as routing and addressing. At high application level, overlay networks can be used for applications, which are difficult to deploy in existing IP architecture with some specific reasons, e.g., they need high-level information, which is hard to obtain by underlying layers. To address the heterogeneity of today’s Internet, overlay networks provide ways to service availability and desirable performance while retaining scalability. In contrast to changing the existing network layer, overlay networks allow bootstrapping, which is most important in the development of Internet infrastructure. Various applications of overlay networking are clarified in this paper. Research challenges including routing and searching in overlay networking are also identified. Overlay networking is one of the perspective solutions to today’s Internet challenges. At basic service level, overlay networks can serve as a supplement and enhancement of existing services, such as routing and addressing. At high application level, overlay networks can be used for applications, which are difficult to deploy in existing IP architecture with some specific reasons, eg, they need high-level information, which is hard to obtain by the underlying layers. To address the heterogeneity of today’s Internet, overlay networks provide ways to service availability and desirable performance While contrasting changing the existing network layer, overlay networks allow bootstrapping, which is most important in the development of Internet infrastructure. Various applications of overlay networking are clarified in this paper. Research challenges include routing and searching in overlay networking are also identified.
目的 探讨雷贝拉唑、莫沙必利联合半夏泻心汤在慢性萎缩性胃炎患者中的临床效果.方法 选择2017年6月~2019年10月慢性萎缩性胃炎患者98例,随机分为对照组(n=49例)和观察组(n=49
硝氯酚又称拜耳 9015,是一种驱虫药,具有高效、低毒、用量小的特点.硝氯酚驱虫机制是抑制体内三羧酸循环中的琥珀酸脱氢酶,从而使体内 ATP 生成减少以及糖有氧代谢受阻.该药